
Sam Palmisano

By kmills2
  • 1776- Only people who own land can vote.

    Voting is restricted to property owners. These were white males, who were the only ones who held the power to vote.
  • 1787- States have the power to decide who can vote.

    States given the power to regulate their own voting rights. This is because there was no national standard for voting rights. Voting remained in the hands of white male landowners
  • 1790- Naturalization Law

    Law passed that states free-white immigrants are the only people that can become citizens. This means that if you weren't white, then you could not come to America (or gain the right to vote).
  • 1792 to 1838- Free black males lose the right to vote in several northern states.

    In the north, blacks who are not slaves were stripped of their right to vote in 1792 in states such as Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This lasted for 46 years.
  • 1792 to 1856- Property qualifications for white men to vote were abolished.

    White men no longer needed to own land to vote. It did not matter if you were poor or rich, all white males had the ability to vote.The last state to abolish property qualification was North Carolina in 1856 resulting in an approximation to universal white male suffrage.
  • 1868- Citizenship for all males if granted, former slaves become citzens.

    If a male is born or naturalized in the United States, then they have citizenship granted to them. Additionally, citizenship is defined and granted to former slaves.
  • 1870- States are not able to deny the right to vote based on race.

    The 15th amendment is passed and the right to vote cannot be denied by the federal or state governments based on race. Although, other tactics were used to restrict the ability for African Americans to register to vote, such as voting taxes and literacy tests.
  • 1887- Citizenship granted to Native Americans who disassociate themselves from their tribe.

    Native Americans who give up their tribal affiliations are eligible to vote.
  • 1890- The first year a state allows women to vote.

    Wyoming is the first state to legislate female voting in it's constitution.
  • 1920- The right to vote is given to women.

    Women are guaranteed the right to vote by the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
  • 1924- Many states grant citizenship to Native Americans but don't allow them to vote.

    Indian Citizenship Act passed, but many states make laws and policies which prohibit Native Americans from voting.
  • 1947- New Mexico and Arizona are required to give the vote to all Native Americans.

    A Native American man sues New Mexico for not allowing him to vote. He won, which gave the Native Americans the right to vote in New Mexico and Arizona.
  • 1952- Citizenship for people with Asian Ancestry.

    McCarran-Walter Act gives all people of Asian ancestry the right to become a citizen.
  • 1964- No special tax has to be paid to vote.

    The 24th amendment states that right to vote in federal elections will
    not be denied for failure to pay any tax.
  • 1965- Voting Rights Act passed.

    States couldn't impose discriminatory restrictions
    on who can vote, and provides power for the federal government to enforce its provisions.