History of Voting

  • North Carolina Constitution

    North Carolina Constitution
    The constitution of 1776 created a new government for the state. The people were struggling for American independence from Britain, so they drafted a constitution. Richard Casewell created a constitution with the rights of the people. They wanted freedom from Britain. This constitution introduces the separation of powers and gives the power to the General Assembly. The governor would serve a one-year term and have little power.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    This is known as the "birthplace" of American women. It was the first women's rights convention in the U.S. Elizabeth Stanton drafted the Declaration of Sentiments. This called for women's equality. In this document, she calls out Jefferson's principles and explains how they were for men. She also calls out how women have been treated unequal and separate. They wanted rights to property and education. This was the beginning of the women's movement after the women's right to vote was introduced.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws
    Blacks were not allowed to vote because of their race. People would stop them from doing so. Mississippi whites wrote a new state constitution where voters had to pay a poll tax two years before voting because blacks were poor. The literacy test where a person had to read the state constitution to the clerk. The clerk was always white and declared if they were literate. The grandfather clause was where if your grandfather was qualified to vote before the civil war then you could vote.
  • Passage of the 15th Amendment

    Passage of the 15th Amendment
    This amendment stops anyone from using race as an excuse for not being able to vote. It advances the rights of blacks. This is where most Jim Crow laws are ruled unconstitutional such as the grandfather clause. This gives more freedom to free slaves. After it is ratified, blacks can vote and hold office in white states. Congress enforces federal legislation for racial equality.
  • Passage of the 17th Amendment

    Passage of the 17th Amendment
    This amendment outlines the guidelines for the Senate of the U.S. Each state gets two senators and serve six years. Each state has the qualifications. This amendment solves problems between Senators and citizens because the senators would be directly voted. The state holds the elections for the Senate. Each senator has one vote.
  • Passage of the 19th Amendment

    Passage of the 19th Amendment
    This is the amendment where voting laws are lifted. Everyone is now allowed to vote. Women are allowed to vote after this amendment is passed. Women are also allowed to participate in the government. Women have been unequal from men for a very long time and they finally get their rights. States still did not give women the ​rights to vote after this amendment.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    Indian Citizenship Act
    Native Americans were rarely considered citizens of the U.S before the Civil War. Friendly tribes were supported by Congressmen. States rarely supported these people. If native women were married to a white man then they were considered citizens. When the citizenship was passed the citizenship was governed strongly. They did not get the right to vote up until the 20th century.
  • Passage of the 23rd Amendment

    Passage of the 23rd Amendment
    There were problems with voting and population. Washington DC is made able to vote. Columbia is taken as a nation to vote. Their population was millions of people. This amendment makes Washington DC a place where citizens can vote but it was not considered a state. They did not get representation in Congress. They ended up getting a delegate for the House.
  • Passage of the 24th Amendment

    Passage of the 24th Amendment
    People should not have to pay a tax to vote. This helps blacks vote more reasonably. In previous years, blacks have slowly been given rights and freedom. This takes away the last thing whites held against blacks which were a poll tax. They had to pay this in order to vote. This use to keep most people from voting which were whites and blacks.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    There have been problems with voting and restrictions to keep people from voting. These outlaws all of the restrictions. This empowers the attorney general to enforce poll taxes. The federal examiners are given the power to register qualified citizens. They also require specific jurisdiction to have clearance from the attorney general. By the end of this, voters have increased.
  • Passage of the 26th Amendment

    Passage of the 26th Amendment
    This addresses the problems with voting and the correct age. It also includes blacks and women rights. This lowered the voting age to eighteen. Young men between eighteen and twenty-one were going to war and being drafted but could not vote. This removes property qualifications. They also take away poll tax, literacy test, and residency requirements.