Voting rights in the United States Timeline

  • Made in America

  • Ratification of the constitutiton- All white land owning males gained the right to vote.

  • Religious qualifications dropped- The last religious prerequisite for voting was dropped

  • Propertyr requirements dropped- Almost all adult males could vote, because it was no longer a requirement to own property

  • The 15th amendment was passed,this gave slaves the right to vote and protected the rights of any man.

  • The 19th amendment was passed because it prohibits any American citizen from being denied the right to vote because of gender.

  • The 23 amendment permits citizens of The Districtof Columbia to vote.

  • The 24 amendment prohibits poll tax

  • Voting rights act of 1965 protects the rights of minority voters and eliminates voting restrictions

  • The 26 amendment- Legal voting age is 18