Voting Rights in the United States

  • Constitution is Ratified

    White, male adults who own property now have the right ot vote.
  • Religious Qualifications Dropped

    Religious requirement for voting dropped
  • Property Requirements Dropped

    Ownership of property and tax requirements cut. Most white males could vote.
  • 15th Amendment Passed

    15th amendment passed. Former slaves can now vote. Rights of male citizens of any race protected.
  • 19th Amendment passed

    Guarenteed women's suffrage.
  • 23rd Amendment passed

    Voters of the District of Columbia now allowed to vote.
  • 24th Amendment passed

    Tax poll banned.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Rights of minority voters and eliminated literacy test.
  • 26th Amendment Passed

    Minumum voting age set at 18.