Voting Rights

  • Period: to

    Voting Rights

  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This is important because it chaned the history of the future. Today there are no more humans that are slaves.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This event lead to increased voting rights because younger people(males) were given the right to vote. This gave them an opportunity to be able to choose what they want in their future.
  • Laws to take voting rights from African-Americans

    Laws to take voting rights from African-Americans
    This event is important because it shows how much southern states were segregating against African-Americans. They were taking away one of their simple rights.
  • Supreme Court rules that literacy tests are constitutional

    Supreme Court rules that literacy tests are constitutional
    This event is important because it went against many African-Americans and people. When someone wanted to vote and they had to do a literacy test it could go against them.
  • Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional

    Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional
    This is very important because African-Americans couldn't vote because all their grandfathers were slave. Getting rid of the "Grandfather Clause" changed the voting rights of every African-American.
  • 19th Amendment

    This event lead to the increased of voting rights because it let woman vote. Woman are half the population of the world and in the U.S it increased voting and created many different views.
  • Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional

    Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional
    Poll taxes would tax those who would vote. Voting is a right as of today and not a privilege.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    This is important because it got rid of poll taxes. Getting rid of the poll taxes increased the number of voters.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    This is important because Mississippi was trying to have African-Americans vote. This led to an increase of voters because more people were allowed too.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This is one of the most important events tied to voting in the U.S. The Voting Rights Act bans racial and ethnic discrimination in elecctions.