
Voting Rights

  • Period: to

    Voting Rights

  • 13th Amendment: Abolishment of Slavery

    13th Amendment: Abolishment of Slavery
    This event is important because this is the amendment that got rid of slavery. If this wouldve never happened, we could still possibly have slaves and who the heck would want that in this day and age?
  • 15th amendment: Minorities the right to vote.

    15th amendment: Minorities the right to vote.
    This amendment is very important because it was a very large leap for all people voting. This allowed minorities, such as black men, the right to vote. Which helped our country move forward as a whole.
  • Southern States pass laws taking African American voting rights away.

    Southern States pass laws taking African American voting rights away.
  • Taking literacy tests to vote is unconstitutional.

    Taking literacy tests to vote is unconstitutional.
  • "Grandfather clause" is unconstitutional

    "Grandfather clause" is unconstitutional
    This is event was very important because it took away the "Grandfather Clause." Which is where, if your grandfather couldnt vote, neither could you. This helped get more people the ability to vote, especially those of former slaves.
  • 19th Amendment: Right for Woman to Vote

    19th Amendment: Right for Woman to Vote
    This is a majorly important event because it gave woman the right to vote. This helped give equal rights to woman. This was a large step in our country for us to move forward.
  • Vote Taxes Are Constitutional.

    Vote Taxes Are Constitutional.
  • 24th Amendment: Outlawing Poll Taxes

    24th Amendment: Outlawing Poll Taxes
    This event eventually lead to the vent of "Freedom Summer." Which is where African Americans tried to register to vote in the state of Mississippi.
  • "Freedom Summer"

    "Freedom Summer"
    This event was important because Mississippi was the only state outlawing African Americans the right to vote.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This event is very important because it gave voting rights to every African American. Which was amazing.