TimeLine- History of Voting

  • North Carolina's 1776 Constitution

    The constitution lead this country back together into one big union after the Civil War. The Constitution is a document that states laws and regulations that the country has to obey. It was signed by our founding fathers. The Constitution is also a way of our government. The US is a democracy and the Constitution helps regulate our government and the separate bodies within our government.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    This was the first convention for women rights. This was held in Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls in New York. This convention was held for two days witch is the 19th and 20th of July. This act gave social, religious, and civil rights to women. The first day of this convention was women only and then the second day men were allowed. This act was saying that women should have all rights that men do.
  • Passage of the 15th Amendment

    This amendment was adopted unto the US Constitution in 1870. This amendment granted African American men voting rights. NAACP is the National Association for the Advanced Colored People had a strategy to sue every case that involved colored people being discriminated for voting. This pressured the government but it didn't work as planed cause only the legislation could make voting equal. President Johnson pushed ;legislation and so did groups of African Americans.
  • 17th Amendment

    This is an amendment that gives states two extra Electrical College votes. Electoral College gives the people a way to elect government officials So having a two extra vote gives whoever wins the most votes a huge advantage to winning the elections. This also gives regulations for the Senate about if there not enough members then there could possibly be another vote.
  • Passage of the 19th Amendment

    It was ratified August 18, 1920. This is the amendment allowing Women there right to vote. This allows the democratic party to grow. This lead to women to become bigger and better things. For example becoming to serve as a jury. Now this has made America where women are allowed to do anything men can do.
  • Indian Citizenship Act

    This was an act that gave Native Americans the right to vote. back in the day to be a citizen you had to be half or less blood Indian to be a citizen. So Indians married citizens so they would be counted as a citizen. If Indians fought in the war they were offered citizenship. So in 1924 the Indian Citizenship Act was passed by Congress and this is an act that states all Native Americans born within the American territory they are considered citizens. Allowing them to vote.
  • Twenty Third Amendment

    This amendment gives the residents of Washington DC right to vote on representatives in the Electoral College. Representatives get votes counted by the states but Washington DC inst a state so this amendment gives them the right to vote. Electoral College is a system that allows us to elect government officials like the president. There are some disagreements about this amendment and people say it might not last long.
  • Passage of the 24th Amendment

    This amendment ended the poll tax stating you could tax people for voting. Poll tax is when you have to pay to vote keeping the poor people from voting. This prevented African Americans form any any political power in the southern states. All this was combined with the grandfather clauses.
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965

    This was an act that allowed African Americans and all colored people to vote. President Lyndon B. Johnson signed this into law. African Americans can vote and this is given to them Constitutionally by the 15th amendment. Now this amendment is used to protect the voting rights of non-English speaking American citizens and all colored people. But even though they were allowed to vote African Americans often had to take literacy test because they would fill out the voting forms wrong.
  • Jim Crow Laws

    These are laws that were passed stating it was legal for races to be segregated. These laws extremely limited African Americans. These laws cause white people to protest colored people schools and Klu Klux Klan was invited during this era. There were even signs up in the cities stating where colored people could go. The Civil Rights Movement ended the Jim Crow Laws.
  • Passage of the 26th Amendment

    This amendment lowered the voting age from 21 to 18. This began in World War II. The Vietnam War brought this to question if you could fight for the country you could vote. If you were old enough to fight in the military you were allowed to vote. The age to vote today is 18 years old still. In fact today 49 percent of voters are 18-24 years old.