Voting Rights

  • Period: to


  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This event led to the voting rights of African Americans, because it gave them the freedom they needed from slavery. This granted them many rights, which started a civil rights movement that granted African Americans their other freedoms as well.
  • 15th Amendment

    15th Amendment
    This event added many African Americans into American offices and gave them much more power, because they could now vote, which is a large part of involvement in the government.
  • Laws to take voting rights from African Amreicans

    This is important because most of the rights granted African Americans was receded in the Southern States. Freedom was restricted, which was unconstitutional.
  • Supreme Court rules that literacy tests are constitutional

    This limited mostly the African Americans, who didn't have proper education (yet) and weren't properly literate. It was also deemed fair, by the supreme court, so the constitution apparently agreed with this decision.
  • Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional

    Supreme Court declares "Grandfather Clause" unconstitutional
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    This event granted theoretically half of the country the right to vote, which is a huge step towards better accuracy in votes. Also, the equality of power between people was better established here.
  • Supreme Court rules that poll taxes are constitutional

    Poll taxes were limiting to the natural rights of people to vote, which makes this unconstitutional. It's voted as constitutional, though, which means that this was a sign that people were still trying to limit minority groups at this time.
  • 24th Amendment

    24th Amendment
    Poll taxes are removed, which would mean that voting is open to much more people, and then also means better equality for voting rights.
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act