Voting Rights

By 2132412
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    13th Ammendment

    The Civil War ended and all the slavery laws were abolished. This is important because after that all American citizens were free.
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    15th Amendment

    Thos gave all white males the right to vote. This is important because until then all the minorities hadn't been able to vote and now they could.
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    No Voting Right For African Americans

    Many Southern states decided to take away any voting priveledges. This is important because for a time period only white males were able to vote.
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    Literacy Tests

    The Supreme Court decided that taking literacy tests is constitutional. This is important because more and more people would have to learn how to read and America in a whole would become a better nation.
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    The Unconstitutional Grandfather Clause

    Americans would no longer have to prove that their grandfather was able to vote. All American citizens were now able to vote. This is important because people were getting more oopourtunity to be able to vote.
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    19th Amendment

    This amendment gave woman the right to vote. This is imporant because this was a sign marking that woman were starting to be seen as more than just property,
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    Poll Taxes Are Constitutional

    The Supreme Court declares that when people go and vote that it was okay for them to have to pay a tax for that. This was important because people had to pay to vote.
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    24th Amendment

    This outlawed the poll taxes and people would no longer have to pay money to vote. This was important because American citizens who migt not be that wealthy wouldn't have to pay to state their opinion.
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    Freedom Summer

    This was when people were trying to get more equals right for African Americans in Missippi by giving them the priviledge to vote. This was important because people were finally starting to stand up against the racism.
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    Voting Rights Act

    This act made it legal for all American Citiznes to vote no matter their race or gender. This was very important because now all Americans had equal right in the fact that they could all choose to vote if they wanted too