VJ - Motor Skill Development - First Year

  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
    Sylus Ray was born 7.2 lbs. and 21 inches
  • Period: to

    VJ - Motor Skill Development - First Year

    January 1, 2017 to January 1, 2018
  • Day 14

    Day 14
    Sylus recieved his first bath and his umbilical fell off
  • First Month

    First Month
    Sylus is lifting his chin when lain on his stomach, and attempts to roll over when on his back.
  • Second Month

    Second Month
    Sylus is now attempting to lift his chest as well as his head when on his stomach.
  • March 19

    March 19
    Sylus received his first shots
  • Third Month

    Third Month
    Sylus has managed to roll over a few times, and is now fully lifting his head.
  • Fourth Month

    He's begun to reach for things and has even picked up some lightweight objects, mainly his blanket.
  • Fifth Month

    Fifth Month
    Sylus is now sitting himself up, and attempting to crawl by lifting his shoulders and torso
  • Sixth Month

    Sixth Month
    He's managed to take a few steps while crawling, and is attempting to mimic using a spoon. He's begun to recognize a few words as well.
  • Seventh Month

    Seventh Month
    Sylus has begun to crawl, and can't stop moving around! He's begun to pull himself up onto furniture as well.
  • Eighth Month

    Eighth Month
    Sylus has managed basic use of a spoon, though he still has some trouble, and has begun recognizing words for body parts.
  • Ninth Month

    Ninth Month
    He's begun to recognize action words, like Throw, and is attempting to converse with people.
  • Tenth Month

    Tenth Month
    Sylus has begun to propel himself along the edge of furniture, and has figured out his favorite toy - the big button-covered toy.
  • Eleventh Month

    Eleventh Month
    Sylus has finally stood up on his own, and fell when attempting to walk without support. He's also stopped drinking out of a bottle mostly, and understands sippy cups.
  • First Birthday

    First Birthday
    Sylus has finally turned a year old, and took his first steps alone at the party!