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Virtual Child: Carsons Development

  • Birth

    Link about apgar scaleCarson was born! At his birth, his apgar scale was at a 6. An apgar scale is a standard measurement system that looks at apearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration of the baby to determine good health of new borns (pp. 88) Since his score was between 5 and 7, it indicates that he might require some resuscitative measures. His score being below normal is due to the fact that he was 4 weeks premature. After a few days of neonatal care, Carson's score went up to a healthy 8.
  • Carsons attachment styles

    Carsons attachment styles
    Video on attachment in mothers & babiesAt 8 months, I try to sooth Carson when he is upset. Although sometimes he embraces me and other times not, his emotions are still being responded to rapidly and positively, leading to a secure attachment style. I tend to use interactional synchrony, which involves me responding to Carsons emotional states by matching them. This has lead Carson to his development in secure attachment, and kept him from unsecure attachment style stemming from over or under responsiveness. (pp. 179)
  • Temperament

    Explaining TemperamentCarson is an "easy" baby at 8 months according to Thomas & Chess's tempromental categories. He is readily adapted to new people and had fairly mild to positive interactions to new situations. His emotion when getting vaccinated was crying but calming down rather quickly. This showed that his emotions were moderate to low in intensity. An easy baby will show positivity and are adaptive, having emotions ranging from moderate to low in intensity (pp.185-186).
  • Object Permanence

    Object Permanence
    At 8 months old, we began playing games with carson to test his object promanence, and found that Carson is proficient in object promanence. He shows this by being able to search for and find an object we hide from him. Object promanence can extend to people to, giving children the secutiry that their parents still exist even if they leave the room (pp.146). He has clearly learned an understanding about how out of sight is not out of mind.
  • Carsons First Word!

    Carsons First Word!
    At 9 months, Carson pronounced his first word, Dog! According to the text, the first words in childrens vocabulaty typically relate to objects and things (pp.159). Carson probably said Dog because it's something that constantly appears and disappears. If Carson said Dog in a context that permitted him to say something about the dog, he was likely using the word as a holophrase, a one word utterance that stands for a whole phrase (pp.159). Example: "My dog came into the house!"
  • Carson starts lying

    Carson starts lying
    About theory of mind and lyingCarson has begun occasionally lying to us. We recognize that this is a sign of his emergence of Theory of Mind. Theory of mind refers to knowledge and beliefs about how the mind operates. This allows Carson to come up with little lies to explain how others think and reasons for why people behave in certain ways (pp. 256). Since he now is being able to explain and understand the way people think, part of his punishment from lying is us explaining to him the ways being lied to makes others feelbad
  • Play in Preschool

    Play in Preschool
    When Carson is 3 years old and in preschool, he scored an average in constructive play, such as solving puzzles and building block towers. These are examples of constructive play because it is the type of play in which childen manipulate objects to build or make something (pp.255). This general category of preschoolers' play is usually developed around the age of 4. Constructive play is important because it is a way to test where a child stands in terms of physical and cognitive skills.
  • Carsons Moral Development

    At 8 years old, Carson still makes little lies about things that happen to him at school. This is an indication that carson is still in the preconventional level of moral development. The preconventional level of moral development is the lowest level in which children follow rigid rules based on punishments or rewards (pp.383). For that reason, we praise Carson when he tells the truth and talk about the ways he hurts people when he lies.