Vietnam War

By slee98
  • American Involvement in Vietnam War

    American Involvement in Vietnam War
    Ho Chi Minh takes control over Vietnam. America afraid of communism, they decide to help France. If one country is influenced by communism, surrounding countries will follow.
  • Geneva Accords

    Geneva Accords
    End of French Indochina War. Vietnam was temporarily divided at the 17th parallel. Ho Chi Minh (Communist) controlled North and Ngo Diem controlled South.
  • U.S. support coup of Diem

    U.S. support coup of Diem
    Civilans in South Vietnam hates Diem. Dim never returns land to peasants, restricts Buddhist, and has corrupt government.
    Relationship between South Vietnamese and Diem worsens. Kennedy ordered to assassinate Diem.
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution

    Tonkin Gulf Resolution
    U.S. destroyers were fired by North Vietnam. President Johnson is granted broad military power without declaring war.
  • Tet Offense

    Tet Offense
    South Vietnam was celebrating Lunar New Year. Vietcong took advantage of this and attack everywhere invluding 12 U.S. air bases.
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    U.S. Platoon had massacred innocent civilians under the command of Liutenant william Calley, jr. They shot more than 200 Vietnamese-mostly women, children, and elderly men. Calley was convicted and imprisoned.
  • Fall of Saigon

    Fall of Saigon
    North Vietnam launched a full-scale invasion agaisnt the South. American refused to send troops and only provided economic aid. North Vietnam captured the city and South Vietnam surrendered.