Vietnam War

  • Hiroshima

    The United Sates droped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima; killing 75,000 people injured 100,000.
  • MAAG

    This is when the first arrival of the Military Assistance Advisory Group in Saigon.
  • Vietnam War begins

    Vietnam War begins
    The Vietnam War began November 1, 1955. The Vietnam War started when US President Eisenhower did not want communision to take over the American society.
  • Training for VIetnam War

    Training for VIetnam War
    The Military Assistance Advior Group (MAAG) were held responsible for helping the forces of South War prepare for war.
  • U.S. Soliders

    U.S. Soliders
    U.S troops in Vietnam- 184,300
    Killed in action- 1,363
    Wounded in action- 7,645
  • Soilders in war

    Soilders in war
    Troops in Vietnam- 536,100
    Killed in Action- 30,160
    Wounded in Action- 192,850
  • Soliders In War

    Soliders In War
    Troops In Vietnam- 475,200
    Killed In Action- 40,024
    Wounded In Action- 262,796
    *58,132 Americans lost in Vietnam War
    *3 Million soliders came home
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    Four Kent State students were killed and nine were injured by the Ohio national guardsmen; Those students were performing an Anti- Nixon protest.
  • Christmas Bombing

    Christmas Bombing
    The Nixon administration targets North VIetnam's cities, Hanoi and Haiphong, by releasing 20,000 tons bomb raids at there citizens.
  • Ending of Vietnam War

    Ending of Vietnam War
    On April 30,19757 the presidential pallace were captured in Saigon and that ended the Vietnam War