Vietnam timeline

  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    The Geneva Conference was the French agreeing to withdraw their troops and allowing Vietnam to be their own country even though they were divided along the 17th parrallel into the North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Elections for the whole Vietnam were to be two years after the signing.
  • anti-landlord campaign

    anti-landlord campaign
    This was the reason there were no elections. Ho could not be trusted. He was taking people who'm opposed him and lead them into a rural area and exicute them. This became out of control to the point where Ho even stepped in and stopped it.
  • Diem becomes president

    Diem becomes president
    Diem becomes the South Vietnam republican president.
  • Diem rejects Geneva Accord

    Diem rejects Geneva Accord
    Diem refused to hold elections becuase Ho Chi Minh had was loved by the Vietnam people and Diem was not. So Diem was scared he would lose.
  • US Military Assistance Adviser Group (MAAG)

    US Military Assistance Adviser Group (MAAG)
    The US trained the South Vietnam to fight in the war. The South Vietnam people were very unskilled soldiers compared to the US.
  • Ho Chi Minh trail

    Ho Chi Minh trail
    It was a web of trails that traveled between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. It was a supply route for the Viet Cong. It was very well hidden and easiely adjustable so if the US would detroy it; there would always be another route.
  • Kennedy Elected President

    Kennedy Elected President
    Kennedy was elected president in the 1960's. Even though he was assainated he is still known as one of the greatest presidents in history.
  • Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)

    Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV)
    This was created by President Kennedy. It was to increase the forces in the the South Vietnam to help them fight.
  • Tonkin Resolution

    Tonkin Resolution
    North Vietnam torpedos a US destroyer. The resolutions allowed US to take any measure to repel any enemy attack to insure the safety of America.
  • Napalm

    This was used between 1965 - 1972. Basically Napalm was a sticky gas. When ignited it will stick to about anything and burn for about 10 minutes. Napalm temp. reached up to 1,500 to 2,200 degrees F!
  • Agent Orange

    Agent Orange
    This was used between 1965 and 1972 as a chemical warfare. It was a pesdiside that killed plants along with humans. There was an estimated death of 4,8 million and over 400,000 babies were reported with birth defects.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    From March 1965 to October 1968 Americans used a bombing technique on the North Vietnam soldiers. They tried targeting the Ho Chi Meuh trail, but it was only effective to a certain point. The trail was easily moved and very well covered so it was hard to target the trail. The bombings also helped with the deforestation which was the Americans trying to get ride of places the North Vietnam could hide.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Norh vietnamese soldiers (Viet Cong) attacked hundreds of South Vietnam cities on a Vietnam holiday. This holiday both sides dicided it would be cease fire, but the North Vietnam went back on their word devolped a suprise attack on South Vietnam
  • Nixon Becomes president of US

    Nixon Becomes president of US
    Nixon becomes president of the US just by a few percent of Hubert Humphrey.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    After Nixon released that he wanted to recruit 150 thousand more soldiers on April 30, 1970 there was a protest at Kent State in Ohio. The govenor sent in 900 national gaurd soldiers to come in to control the riot. On May 4th 28 gaurdsman fired apon a crowd. The ending up killing 4 people. This is when people started saying were were fightin two wars one in Vietnam and one at home.
  • Vietnamization

    Nixon ran his campain to become president by saying he would bring troops home. He did just that Vietnamization was the US allowing the South Vietnam army to fight for themselves.
  • 26th Amendment

    26th Amendment
    This amendment was passed by congress on March 23, 1971 and was ratified on July 1, 1971. This amendment makes it so that anyone that is of the age of 18 years, or older can legally vote. This came across because people didn't think it was right that 18 year olds could fight in a war, but yet still not have a say in who is president.
  • US withdraws

    US withdraws
    There were a large number of US casualty and tons of protest against the war so NIxon had no other choice but to sign a peace treaty.
  • War Power Act

    War Power Act
    The War Power Act was that the President of the United States must notify the congress if he is use any military action and why he is used it. He must notify them with in 48 hours of doing so.
  • South surrenders

    South surrenders
    South Vietnam surrenders have the the North Vietnam rapidly invades the south then surrounds the city of Saigon. The president steps down in power. The Vice President steps in and only spends one day in power before North Vietnam was able to control the city.