

  • President Eisenhower

    President Eisenhower
    Dwight D Eisenhower was the first president to start the Vietnam war. He was the first president in the Vietnam war, he was didn't want to have the united states in the war.
  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    To resolve issues realted Asia and France. The french also withdrew from veitnam. This is also the reason Vietnam was divided at the 17th parrallel. The United States did not sign this because they though it was unfair.
  • International Commison Control

    International Commison Control
    The international Commission Control anounced that both North and South Vietnam had failed to comply the rules at the Geneva Conference.
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    Kennedy was the young president to be elected into office. When he was assinated in November of 1963 the whole world was at a loss.
  • Lyndon Johnson

    Lyndon Johnson
    After Kennedy's assination Johnson took office. Being another president to deal with the Vietnam war Johnson had a different outlook. He kept sending US troops to Vietnam hopeing to get an American vicotry.
  • Kennedy's Assination

    Kennedy's Assination
    President Kennedy and his wife, along with the governor of Texas we in a parade. The parade was heading towards downtown Dallas. Lee Harvey Oswald had fired three shots, wounding president kennedy. At Dallas Parkland Hospital is where President Kennedy died.
  • Tonkin Resolution

    Tonkin Resolution
    Since North Vietnam attacked two destroyers, Lyndon Johnson thought it was nessary to have a document stating the president could take any action to repel against any armed attacks on the US forces.
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    Straegic bombing the United States had on North Vietnam. This also started The united States involvment in the Vietnam War.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    North Vietnam and Vietcong attacked south vietnams cities and towns. They attacked 100 major cities and attacked the captial, Saigon. It took the united states and south vietnam two weeks to gain back control of Saigon.
  • Richard M. Nixon

    Richard M. Nixon
    Nixon was the last president tin the Vietnam War. He too wanted the Americans to not be invloved in the war. He was the president who ended the war for the United States with the withdrawal of troops.
  • Cambodia

    Nixon had the United States forces bomb Caboida because of suspection of communist base supply. This is also known as operation breakffast. 3,630 flights acrossed Cambodia dropped 110,000 tons of bombs in a 14 month time period.
  • Vietnamization

    This was Nixons plan to end the american involvment in the vietnam war. After withdrawing all troops, it was now south vietnams duty to keep defending itself.
  • US withdrawal of Troops

    US withdrawal of Troops
    Nixon knew everybody hated the war. many collages were having protestors against the Vietnam war. Nixon decieded to withdrawal all troops from Vietnam leaving south vietnam to fight its own battle.
  • Kent State

    Kent State
    National gaurds were sent to Kent state to surpress the protestors. Some protestors got out of control and the national gaurds shot and killed 4 students while wounding 9.
  • 26th Admendment

    26th Admendment
    This admendment lowered voting age from 21 to 18. Nixon passed it into law in July. Young man thought it was unfair for them to be old enough to fight in the war but not old enough to vote.
  • Peace Paris Accords

    Peace Paris Accords
    This peace in Paris was what made Nixon withdrawal all troops from Vietnam. It was a plan to have a ceasefire.
  • War Powers Act

    War Powers Act
    After Nixon vetoed the war powers resolution, congress passed the War powers act. This act stated that the president would have a limited power to commit armed forces without congross aproval.
  • Operation Babylift

    Operation Babylift
    Operation babylift was to take vietnam orphans out of the war zone. They were taking from vietnam to the united states to be adopted later. The united states transported about 2,600 orphans. The first jet to take orphans had crashed carrying 138 passengers, most of them were orphans.
  • South Vietnam Surrenders

    South Vietnam Surrenders
    AFter Nixon withdrew all the US troops South Vietnam was forced to fight North Vietnam on its own. North Vietnam crossed over the DMZ (Demilitarized Zone) at the 17th parrallel and attacked South Vietnam. North Vietnam had one last attack and took over the city of Saigon.
  • Vietnam Memorial

    Vietnam Memorial
    This wall was built by Maya Lin, a yale undergraduate. The wal was built in memory of all the soldiers who faught in the Vietnam war. The wall is built in Washington DC.