Vietnam flag


  • Period: to

    History of Vietnam (1850-1980)

  • French Colonial Rule Begins

    French Colonial Rule Begins
    Trying to match the British in their colonial rule, the French set out to add more countries into their empire. They invaded Vietnam and took control of them because for Vietnam's resources.
  • Vietnam Divided into Three Regions

    Vietnam Divided into Three Regions
    After a couple of years into their rule, the French divided Vietnam into three regions: Tonkin, Annam and Cochin China. Cochin China was the strongest of the three regions while Tonkin and Annam were like the protecters of that region.
  • French Indochina Formed

    French Indochina Formed
    The French Indochina was formed with the countries: Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. The French gained control of each of the regions in Vietnam one by one, starting from Cochin China, then Annam and Tonkin.
  • Indochinese Communist Party Formed

    Indochinese Communist Party Formed
    What would become a revolutionary leader, Ho Chi Minh, forms the Indochinese Communist Party. This communist party was formed to overthrow French imperialism and Vietnamese Feudalism.
  • World War 2 Begins

    World War 2 Begins
    The start of the second war with the whole world begins by the Japanese. Vietnam was included in this war when the Japanese invaded Vietnam.
  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
    The Japanese surrender and Vietnam wins with the help of the Chinese and the US. Ho Chi Minh declares the independence of Vietnam.
  • First Indochina War

    First Indochina War
    The First Indochina War begins to overthrow the French rule in Vietnam. China, USSR and Vietnam fight against USA and France. This war would be one of the biggest wars in Vietnam history, lasting 8 years.
  • Geneva Peace Accords

    Geneva Peace Accords
    The Geneva Peace Accords was signed by France and Vietnam. Even though part of the conference had tried to make Vietnam agree to unifying the regions into one country, Vietnam did not and was broken into North and South Vietnam.
  • New Presidents

    New Presidents
    Ho Chi Minh took control of North Vietnam because of his communist dreams, while Ngo Dinh Diem took control of South Vietnam without elections.
  • Start of the Vietnam War

    Start of the Vietnam War
    This was the start of the Vietnam war. This war was fought between North Vietnam and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by the communists allies and South Vietnam was supported by USA and other anti-communist countries.
  • Southern Leader Assasinated

    Southern Leader Assasinated
    Ngo Dinh Diem the first president of South Vietnam was assasinated along with his brother with the help of the US because they were anti-communists.
  • Ho Chi Minh's Death

    Ho Chi Minh's Death
    The Leader of North Vietnam passed away of heart faliure at the age of 79. He was very much looked up to by the Vietnamese because of his dreams of a united and communist Vietnam. His embalmed body is currently on display in a mausoleum located in Hanoi.
  • North Attacks the South

    North Attacks the South
    North Vietnam attacked the South after the US military pulled out of the Vietnam war. This was because Ho Chi Minh had wanted all of Vietnam to become one whole communist nation.
  • End of Vietnam war

    End of Vietnam war
    The North Vietnam army attacked across the border from Laos. By then the US military had pulled out and South Vietnam was defeated to the communist rule of North Vietnam.
  • The South Surrenders

    The South Surrenders
    Even with the help from the US, South Vietnam got overran and as a result surrendered from the North Vietnamese. This ended the Vietnam War.
  • The Socialist Republic of Vietnam

    The Socialist Republic of Vietnam
    Vietnam is unified as a communist country, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Saigon is renamed Ho Chi Minh City.