VideoGame Timeline

  • Nought and cross OXO

    Nought and cross OXO
    The OXO was invented by Alexander S. Douglas
    The OXO was a digitized game, which was functional on one of the first PCs, which the player faced the machine.
  • Spacewar

    Spacewar was created by Steve Russell
    The first interantive game for pc was spacewar
    Spacewar was only known in the university environment
  • Computer Space

    Computer Space
    The Computer Space was created by Nollan Bushnell
    Computer space was used the coins for the first time
    Computer space wasn´t used RAM or ROM
  • Magnavox Odyssey

    Magnavox Odyssey
    Magnavox Odyssey was created by Ralph Baer
    Magnavox Odyssey was allowed to connect on television
    Magnavox Odyssey was had many games of all kinds
  • Famicom

    Famicom was created by Nintendo
    Famicom was a console that had 8 bits
  • Super Mario Bros

    Super Mario Bros
    Super Mario Bros was created by Nintendo
    Super Mario Bros was had an object and end, among all the games of the time
  • Game boy

    Game boy
    The Game Boy was invented by Nintendo
    The Game Boy was created as a portable console, and it was the best
  • Super Nintendo Entertainmet

    Super Nintendo Entertainmet
    The Super Nintendo Entertainmet was invented by Nintendo
    The Super Nintendo Entertainmet was created in 16 bits and with CD-ROM technology
  • Dreamcast

    The Dreamcast was created by Sega Game
    This Dreamcast was created in 128 bits and was prepared to play online
  • PlayStation 2

    PlayStation 2
    The Ps2 was invented by Sony Computer Entertainment
    The Ps2 was created with a DVD and could play games in high quality and online
  • GameCube

    The GameCube was invented by Nintendo
    The gamecube was the most powerful console created so far by its processor
  • Game Boy Advance

    Game Boy Advance
    The Game Boy Advance was updated by Nintendo
    The game boy Advance was noted for its processing power and portability
  • Xbox

    The XBOX was invented by Microsoft in collaboration with intel
    The XBOX was created peculiarly with desktop PC processors
  • Game Boy Advance SP

    Game Boy Advance SP
    The Game Boy Advance SP was updated by Nintendo
    Game boy Advance SP was improved on battery and redesigned
  • Xbox 360

    Xbox 360
    The Xbox 360 was updated by Microsoft in collaboration with IBM and ATI
    Xbox 360 was innovative because it could download multimedia and play arcade games
  • PlayStation 3

    PlayStation 3
    The Ps3 was updated by Sony Computers
    The Ps3 was innovated by the placement of a Blu-ray
  • Wii U

    Wii U
    The Wii U was created by Nintendo
    The Wii U innovated with its touch control and its 1080p quality
  • PlayStation 4

    PlayStation 4
    The Ps4 was updated by Sony Computer
    The ps4 was created with the best GDDR5 technology, AMD processors and other things.
  • New Nintendo 3DS

    New Nintendo 3DS
    The New Nintendo 3DS was created by Nintendo
    The New Nintendo 3DS was changed and added a second lever and more buttons that give comfort
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    The Nintendo Switch was created by Nintendo
    The Nintendo switch was a big change, it has great quality and optimal portability