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Video game history

  • 200

    playstation 2

    playstation 2
    the second of its series and it made the PlayStation company more popular
  • Magnavox Odyssey,

    Magnavox Odyssey,
    first ever home game system
  • Gran Trak 10

    Gran Trak 10
    the first racing game
  • Heavyweight Champ

    Heavyweight Champ
    the first fighting game
  • Atari

    one of the first consoles
  • Space invaders

    Space invaders
    A very popular and important game
  • Pac-man

    one of the popular games in the 80's
  • Shigeru miyamoto

    Shigeru miyamoto
    made some very important games and started off the Nintendo company
  • Dragonstomper

    the very first rpg game
  • dig dug

    dig dug
    a very fun game and a kinda popular game in the 80's
  • Nintendo entertainment system

    Nintendo entertainment system
    The first of its series
  • Alexey Pajitnov

    Alexey Pajitnov
    he is very important because he created tetris which had one of the most popular games.
  • Tetris

    another popular game from the 80's
  • wolfenstein 3d

    wolfenstein 3d
    not as popular as doom but it was made before doom
  • doom

    a popular fps game that helped get fps games popular
  • ps1

    the first of its series
  • Teiyu Goto

    Teiyu Goto
    he designed the first playstation
  • need for speed 1994

    need for speed 1994
    the first need for speed game and help start the series
  • nintendo 64

    nintendo 64
    the console that had the first 3d legend of Zelda game
  • Pokemon red and green

    Pokemon red and green
    the first games of the series that allowed the people to catch and train their pokemon
  • gta

    it was one of the first games that was like a sandbox game because it gave you lots of choices
  • Gabe Newell

    Gabe Newell
    Gabe created steam and the game half-life
  • The legend of zelda ocarina of time

    The legend of zelda ocarina of time
    was a very popular game and the first 3d version of the series
  • xbox

    The first of its series
  • call of duty

    call of duty
    This game made fps games even more popular right after doom.
  • xbox 360

    xbox 360
    the second version of Xbox which made Xbox a bit more popular
  • notch (Markus Persson)

    notch (Markus Persson)
    made Minecraft which was a great game to be released
  • Minecraft

    a very fun and great game to be released
  • xbox one

    xbox one
    the newest console for the Xbox series and a rival of playstation
  • gta 5

    gta 5
    the newest version of the series but it allows the player to do lots of thing which gives them lots of freedom
  • Ps4

    the newest version of PlayStation and a rival of the Xbox
  • H1Z1

    the first battle royal we know of and it help start of the genre
  • The legend of Zelda breath of the wild

    The legend of Zelda breath of the wild
    a popular game in the series
  • need for speed payback

    need for speed payback
    not the best out of the games but it was a improvement from the past games
  • need for speed heat

    need for speed heat
    the newest nfs and better than nfs payback because of the graphic and the functions