Video Game History

  • Handheid Game Era

    Handheid Game Era
    While the home console games were being sold there were some handheld games along the way, Just came the Sega Game Gear it didn't't do as much but it has color and advance 8 bit designing. Then came the Atari Lynx where it was a bit too big but it still do too well, That's all I got for that. So Nintendo made the Game Boy available in 1989 and it was the biggest seller for the handheld gaming market at the time.
  • Decline Of Arcade

    Decline Of Arcade
    As video game consoles began to grow, The beginning of the decline of arcade gaming started. Less and less of arcade games became available for stores, And slowly phasing out. Today only arcade games are available for selected arcades and laundry places in America, Only few of arcade games are available for to buy.
  • The 16-bit game war. (Sega vs Nintendo)

    The 16-bit game war. (Sega vs Nintendo)
    In the early 90's Nintendo and Sega were in a rivalry battle to see who's the better company in gaming when Sega releases the Sega Genesis in 1991 along with Sonic The Hedgehog. They were in a rivalry for years until 2001 when Sega Dreamcast became a flop and Sega worked as a third party supporter for Nintendo. They since 2001 with the Nintendo gamecube been a Third Party company for video games like Xbox and Playstation
  • The Fighting game era

    The Fighting game era
    In 1991 Street Fighter II came to the arcade station and it was big it was heavily considered the greatest game of all time back then. It was one of the games where the joy cons were actually great at the time compared to today, It was also heavily praised for the detailed characters and background designing. Sega saw the Street Fighter game and desided to make their own called Virtual Fighter for the arcade but it wasn't so great to have the polygon pixels for the game's look
  • First person shooter era [Before COD]

    First person shooter era [Before COD]
    In the early 90's First Person Shooting games as big and started with DOOM released in 1993. It was a big hit for the first person shooting games and it lead to Sony and Microsoft to make their own shooting games for PS4 and Xbox One. Franchises like COD or the Halo series became big on their FPS and the games back in the day couldn't handle with.
  • Interactive Movie Games

    Interactive Movie Games
    In the early to mid 90's there was few games based on movies that made you think you were playing in the film. Night Trap was one of them to be in fact, Its based on the film released in 1991 it was the same thing but only made for the Sega CD. But it was pretty forgettable and would be a waste of your time, But time will tell for a part two.
  • 32-Bit era (A new era began)

    32-Bit era (A new era began)
    Since 1994 there have started a new era for gaming where the gaming was into 3D. The first one was Sony Playstation released in 1994 along with Sega Saturn in the same year, But in two years nitnedo did the same thing with Nintendo 64 and it was a big seller! Super Mario 64 was a big seller for Nintendo it was one of the greatest video games ever made, It was big for Nintendo for their mascot it was a hit.
  • First console to use disks

    First console to use disks
    In 1994 Sony's Playstation was the first console to use disks for Nintendo to be the last one to use carriages for home console. It has new technology the no other gaming system had at the time, It was it's first. It became common now in days to have disks for gaming except for Nintendo now today with the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo 3DS
  • So about Virtual Boy...

    So about Virtual Boy...
    It was pretty bad for the first time at Vr gaming. It didn't do much well but people kinda loved it, It just felt weird and have a difficult way to play the game. But with a little duck tape and scissors everything will be all good as dandy.
  • The online gaming era for what it is today.

    In 1999 Sega Dreamcast was the first gaming console who uses online gaming. There wasn't at much for the dreamcast games out there that it is today with the Nintendo Switch and so on but it was the first at it's best. The poor online games causes Sega's decline in gaming forcing them to stop making game consoles.