US Timeline

By csc6905
  • British colonists founded Jamestown.

    The British named Jamestown after King James the 1st of England.
  • Period: to

    US Timespan

  • Amercan Revolution begins

    In response to the Stamp Act of 1765, the colonists thought he Stamp Act was messed up, but the British said the Stamp Act had a right to tax the colonists.
  • The Declaration of Independence is written

    Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston writes the Declaration of Indepednce, declaring that the Americans Independence.
  • Battle of the Alamo

    Texas Troops fought Mexico in one of the battles of the Texas Revolution. All but 2 Texas Troops died in the battle.
  • Gold is Found

    At Sutter's Mill, a California Mill, someone finds gold. This attracts lots of people to California in search of Gold.
  • Civil War

    The Civil war is caused by many reasons, but the main reason is slavery.
  • Emancipation of Proclamation

    The Proclamation was written in 1862, but didn't take effect until 1863. It freed more than 3 million slaves.
  • World War 1 Begins

    The US didn't join the war until 1917. The war included Russia, UK, Germany, and others.
  • Great Depression

    A Stock Market crashed and started the US Great Depresison. This lasted 10 years.
  • 9/11

    Terrorists took control of planes and caused 2 plane crashes into the Twin Towers, which was destroyed. A third plane crashed in to the Penagon in D.C. The 4th crashed in Pennsylvania, the passengers on the plane stopped the plane, but sadly, it crashed.
  • Bin Laden is Killed

    Osama Bin Laden is killed in Pakistan. He was in charge of the atacks on 9/11.