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US History: VHS Summer: Victoria Goodman

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    US History: VHS Summer: Victoria Goodman

    This is my VHS history course timeline. Here is where I will create a timeline that shows everything I have learned throughout the course to show that I understand the information that has been taught to me.
  • History helps us to understand how society came to be & to understand change - module 1 (1/2)

    History helps us to understand how society came to be & to understand change - module 1 (1/2)
    History helps us to understand change & how our society came to be because "The past causes the present, and so the future". When we try to understand why something happened or is happening (whether it be for the first time or a repeat in history) we have to look into the past to see what happened to lead up to this. We can only understand how & why things change by studying history. Only through studying history can we see why certain things never change, & why certain things always change
  • History allows us to better understand people & society - Module 1 (2/2)

    History allows us to better understand people & society - Module 1 (2/2)
    History allows us to better understand people & society in the fact that history is like a database of how society and people have evolved over time and how those times differed from one another. This is a big reason why history is so important. Given that it works (however perfect/imperfect) as a database to store all past events and experiences of humans themselves, & humans in society - this allows us to better understand why today & in the past human acted a certain way alone, or in groups.
  • Wooded Knee Creek masacre - Module 3 (1/2)

    Wooded Knee Creek masacre - Module 3 (1/2)
    Wovoka received a message that they would soon be free fo the white man, would have their land back, & the buffalo would be able to roam freely. He & his followers meditated, had visions, chanted, & performed the 'ghost dance' -it soon had adherents in tribes through the South & West. Wovoka preached non-violence, yet the whites feared it would spark Indian rebellion. Sioux was demanded to stop the ritual, they did not. They were transported to Wooded Knee Creek. Nearly 300 people were killed.
  • Spanish - American War - Module 3 (2/2)

    Spanish - American War - Module 3 (2/2)
    In Malina bay, the Spanish larger, wooden fleet was no match for the newer American steel navy. Once the Americans had stopped firing, the Spanish squadron was a disaster
    Cuba was worse for America being outnumbered by 7 to 1. The war was lost when the Spanish Atlantic fleet was destroyed by the American forces
    The treaty of Paris was the generous winner. The U.S. received the Philippines, islands of Guam, & Puerto Rico. Cuba became independent, Spain was awarded $20 million USD for it loses
  • Industrialization - module 2 (1/2)

    Industrialization - module 2 (1/2)
    By 1914 America had become the largest industrial nation in the world. However, as with everything, there were downfalls - the biggest being immense poverty. Some thrived while others struggled to have food on the table. The positives being that the economy early doubled in size. There were new technologies and new ways of organizing businesses that led people to the top. Great products were being sold for cheap prices
  • Unionization - Module 2 (2/2)

    Unionization - Module 2 (2/2)
    People were either workers or bosses. The number of self-employed lessened, while the number of workers grew and grew and that's they really started asking for greater demands. When those demands weren't met, they had plans - boycotting, strikes, sabotage, etc. . Each side felt they were fighting to stay alive. Workers wanted higher wages and better working conditions, and as their numbers and momentum grew, they would get what they wanted.
  • WWI - Module 4 (1/2)

    WWI - Module 4 (1/2)
    The US first reaction was the expected will for neutrality. The US continued all trading. Great Britain imposed a blockade on Germany, firing the US to stop the trade. Britain & France trade tripled, but Germany was cut more than 90%. This prompted Submarine warfare between Germany & the US. US soldiers entered the trenched& the war was over by Nov 1918. The US economy was mobilized, civilians provided extra food & fuel, campaign to raise troops & money. The war was won, but the peace was lost
  • Paris Peace Conference - Module 4 (2/2)

    Paris Peace Conference - Module 4 (2/2)
    The majority of decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference were by the big 4. The European leaders were not simply interested in peace, but in retribution
    -Germany had to admit guilt for the war + pay reparations
    -Military reduced to domestic police
    -Land was truncated to benefit the new nations of Eastern Europe
    -Alsace & Lorraine were restored to France
    -German colonies handed in trusteeship to victorious Allies
    -No provisions made to end secret diplomacy/ preserve freedom of the seas
  • The Harlem Renaissance - Module 5 (1/2)

    The Harlem Renaissance - Module 5 (1/2)
    In about 1890, the Great migration relocated hundreds of thousands of African Americans North in big numbers. Northerners didn't welcome them with open arms+white laborers complained they were lowering wages/ flooding the market+new migrants were segregated by practice in run-down slums. Yet Harlem brought light to great works that before, would have gone noticed. The artists of Harlem undoubtedly transformed African American culture, & the impact on all American culture was just as strong.
  • The Great Depression - Module 5 (2/2)

    The Great Depression - Module 5 (2/2)
    The stock market crash of 1929 set off a chain of events that plunged the United States into its longest, deepest economic crisis of its history. While the stock market crash led to the economic crisis, there were many other factors. Businesses reached their bubble point, banks operated without guarantees creating panic in tough times, agriculture prices were already low with made them unable to recover, Europeans bought fewer American products, bank failures swept the nation, unemployment rose
  • Isolationism - Module 6 (1/2)

    Isolationism - Module 6 (1/2)
    "Leave me alone," seemed to be America's attitude toward the rest of the world in the 1930s. The Hoover Administration set the tone for an isolationist foreign policy with the Hawley-Smoot Tariff. Roosevelt realized the Hawley-Smoot Tariff was forestalling American economic recovery - Congress acted to make US trade policy more flexible - authorizing the President to negotiate tariff rates with individual nations. In the face of overseas adversity, strong hemispheric solidarity was attractive.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Starting in the late 1940s, the US grew impatient with Japanese atrocities & began to restrict trade with the Empire. Ending 1940, the US stopped shipments of scrap metal, steel, & iron ore to Japan + began sending military hardware to Chiang Kai-Shek, the leader of Chinese forces resisting Japanese takeover. When the bombs struck on 12/7/1941, almost 3,000 people were killed, 6 battleships destroyed, and many ground planes ravaged.
  • The Cold War - Module 7 (1/2)

    The Cold War - Module 7 (1/2)
    The cold war lasted roughly 45 years. The US vs the Soviet Union. The US became the leader of the free-market capitalist world. The US and its allies struggled to keep the communists from expanding into Europe, Asia, & Africa. Domestic fears of communism erupted in a Red Scare in the US in the early twenties. Twenty million Russian citizens died during WWII. At the Yalta Conference, the US awarded the Soviets territorial concessions from Japan and special rights in Chinese Manchuria.
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott - Module 8 (1/2)

    Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott - Module 8 (1/2)
    After the day at work, Rosa got onto the bus and sat in the first row of the colored section. When asked to move to the back of the bus to give her seat to a white person, she refused. She was then arrested and fined $10. The MIA boycott demands were simple; Treat black passengers with courtesy, seating = 1st come 1st serv basis, African American drives drive routes that service African Americans. 99% joined the boycott! Bus companies lost thousands! Supreme Court Ruled in Favor of the MIA!
  • Modern Feminism - Module 8 (2/2)

    Modern Feminism - Module 8 (2/2)
    Suburban lifestyle prompted women to leave college and become a housewife. Not all women wanted this, some wanted careers of their own. 1966 activists formed the National Organization For Women! Demanding equal pay, pressured the gov to support & push legislation that prohibited gender discrimination. Feminism developed a radical faction by the end of the decade. "sexism" entered American vocab as women became categorized as a target group for discrimination. MS. instead of Miss, or Mrs. began!
  • The Vietnam War - Module 7 (2/2)

    The Vietnam War - Module 7 (2/2)
    The Vietnam War was the second-longest war in US history. Billions of dollars, nearly 60,000 American lives & more injuries, yet the US still failed to achieve its objectives. Something that influenced the failure was the lack of public support. While the 1965 anti-war movement was small, deeper in war, public opinion soured. Americans turned on the news & saw their youth being brought home in body bags. In January of 1973, President Nixon signed a ceasefire that formally ended the hostilities.
  • Reaganomics - Module 9 (2/2)

    Reaganomics - Module 9 (2/2)
    Reagan announced a recipe to fix the economic mess; undue tax burden, excessive government regulation, and massive social spending programs hampered growth. He proposed a 30% tax cut for the first 3 years of his presidency. Congress not so sure approves 25% during his 1st year. This caused a deep recession in 1981/82 but by 83, the economy stabilized. By the end of Reagan's years, the national dept tripled from 1 to 3 trillion.
  • Operation Desert Storm - Module 9 (1/2)

    Operation Desert Storm - Module 9 (1/2)
    Saddam Hussein (Iraq dictator) ordered his army across the border into Kuwait. Kuwait was a major oil supplier for the US. If Saudi Arabia fell to Saddam, Iraq would control 1/5 of the world's oil supply. 500,000+ US troops were paced in Saudi Arabia in case of an Iraq attack. The US issued an ultimatum, leave Kuwait, or face full attack. With no response, Desert Shield became Desert Storm. 100hours after ground attacks began, US ground troops declared Kuwait liberated!
  • Living in the Information Age - Module 10 (1/2)

    Living in the Information Age - Module 10 (1/2)
    The internet was developed during the 1970s. Early on, the internet was used mainly by scientists & it remained under government control until 1984. The worldwide web was developed in the early 1990s mainly for commercial purposes. Soon airline tickets, hotel reservations, books, cars & homes could be purchased online. Colleges and universities posted research data on the Internet. Companies discovered that work could be done at home. Email, chat rooms, and forms of communication began!
  • The End of the American Century - Module 10 (2/2)

    The End of the American Century - Module 10 (2/2)
    US scientists developed nuclear technology, humans on the moon, the computer, & the postwar economy was great! US pop culture was everywhere! After the Soviet collapse, the US was the only remaining military superpower! With positives come negatives. Divorce rates rose, leading to children being raised in broken homes. Gun violence, & school shooting were too common. Dwindling rainforests, & global warming trends. Will the 21st century be an American century? Let's wait and see.