1877 pic

"Us History: VHS Summer: Preston Martinik"

By Pmulla
  • Capitalism

    more on CapitalismAn economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.
  • Imperialism

    more on imperialism"A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force".
  • Massacre at Sand Creek

    Massacre at Sand Creek
    Started an ongoing war between all Indians and the white man because of a faulse promise to protect the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians in Southeast Colorado.
  • Connection of the Transcontinental Railroad

    Connection of the Transcontinental Railroad
    This railway was completed in Promontory, Utah. Connecting the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroads.
  • Period: to


    Timeline 1877-2013To understand history is to understand present day. This timeline will basically represent how people, places, and events help develope culture, countries and societies summing up to become what is known as History from 1877-2013 present day.
  • Creation of the Assembly Line

    Creation of the Assembly Line
    Revolutionized the automobile industry and the concept of maufactoring worldwide.
  • Communism

    "A political theory derived from from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned".
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    Provoked a communist revolution of Bolshevik workers striving for a stronger judicial system and succeeding.
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The Stock Market crashes, the start of the U.S.'s most known economic crisis the "Great Depression".
  • Isolationism

    "A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, esp. the political affairs of other counties".
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    United States stopped supporting Japans agression, the cut off of trade with Japan wasnt taken lightly. On sunday December 7th 1941, Japan Ambushed nearly 100 U.S. Naval ships.
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    Revolutionizing the weapon of Bombs, the design of the "Atomic Bomb" it was and is the most powerful and destructive weapon created to date.
  • Socialism

    "A political and economic theory of that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated".
  • D-Day

    Hitlers refusal to surrender to the Allies enacted "Operation Overlord". British, Canadian, and American forces took key points on the coast of Nazi occupied France signaling the begining to the end of war in Europe.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    Northern Korea crossed the 38th parallel, President Trueman commited United States military to defend the South Koreans, hoping to build a broad coalition with the North aggressors by enlisting support from the U.N.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    "Three years after the Supreme Court declared race-based segrigation illegal, a military showdown took place in Little Rock, Arkansas. Nine black students attempted to attend the all-white Central High School". With much effort the Nine made a stand and chaged the level of discrimination based on race.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    "During the Buddhist holiday of "Tet", over 80,000 Vietcong troops emerged from thier tunnels and attcked nearly every major metropolitan center in south Veitnam. Surpirse attacks were made at the American base Danang, and even the seemingly impenitrable American Embassy in Saigon". This was one of the worst ambushes acted upon America, so many casualties accured that it changed almost half the U.S. population to be against the war.
  • The High Rise/ change of Technology

    The High Rise/ change of Technology
    The last decade before the 20th century, a huge incline of electronical technology hit when Regan became president. New ways to communicate through televison and computers revolutinized the way we lived social, economically, and politically. Forms and upgrades of this revolutionizing event are the creation of E-mail, Satellite televison which all changed telecommunication forever.
  • Information Revolution

    Information Revolution
    "Technilogical changes brought dramatic new options to American living in the 1990s" to present date. Changes such as the Internet and the different was you could access it has revolutionized the way we obtain information. Its ground breaking really.
  • Operation Desert Shield/ Storm

    Operation Desert Shield/ Storm
    Saddam Hussein, dictator of Iraq marched his army into tiny Kuwait for an agressive attack. This threatened our alliance with Kuwait and our resource for thier oil. The U.S. sent troops to Kuwait to protect the land from Iraqis. President Bush gave Saddam and his army the ultimatum to leave Kuwait by January 15th 1991 or face full on attack by the multinational force. No reply of leaving by the 15th. War broke out for a few months, Iraqi fire ceased and Bush claimed "new world order had begun".
  • Secound Industrial Revolution

    Secound Industrial Revolution
    Late 20th century industies have simplified the global way of living and working forever will continue to influence society and the economy more positivly then negativly.