US History: VHS Summer : LilyKim

By lilykim
  • Since United States had been created.......

    Since United States had been created.......
    Since United States had been founded, time has never stopped yet. We've went through so many events and some of us wanted to leave some documents about what happened in our own time period.
  • Period: to

    US History : VHS Summer : LilyKim

    This timetoast will show us what happened in US since 1877 to 2011.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    In 1882, America passed the act called "Chinese Exclusion Act" that barries the ethnic group among immigrants. In early 19th century, there were so many immigrants from all over the world and not all americans welcomed them. They saw immigrants as a big problem(labor, religion, etc) so they claimed they should restrict immigrants.
  • The Knights of Labor

    The Knights of Labor
    This organized workers group secretly started in 1869, but as the number of the members increased, they changed the name to "the knights of labor". This group aimed following things : an eight hour work day, equal pay for equal work, termination of children labor. But since it wasn't well organized, it turned to fail.
  • America's expanding

    America's expanding
    Since the U.S. government was formed, U.S. started to look around to expand their land. After Spanish-American war, U.S. took a power over Philippine. Also, U.S. took dominance over Hawaii as a territory.
  • Wounded Knee massacre

    Wounded Knee massacre
    As the number of railroads increased and the rapid industrilization occured, America tried to get rid of Native Americans(Indians), workers, farmers and so on. But Native Americans desperately tried to maintain their traditions and cultures and that caused conflicts between whites and native americans. On December 29th, number of troops went to Lakota and fought with Lakota Sioux and had lots of wounded casualities.
  • Seventeenth's amendment

    Seventeenth's amendment
    This amendment is about providing for the direct election of Senators by the people of state rather than the elction.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    The conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary caused the WWI. No one really knew it would've spreaded as a 'World War" but most of European countries were involved in it and ended up with surrender of Germany.
  • The League of Nations

    The League of Nations
    After WWI, most of countries realized that they needed a treaty that would make them not to fight. So they came out with an organization called "The League of Nations". But since it didn't have any military alliance, it couldn't enforce its decisions so they failed
  • The Harlem Renaissance

    The Harlem Renaissance
    During 1920's and 1930's, there was a cultural movement of blacks. Their new culture started to explore in Harlem which is right next to NYC.
  • Black Thursday

    Black Thursday
    On October 24th, people started to gather around the stock market on Wall Street. After people realized somethings going to happen, the massive stock selling started and the price went down since they knew the value of a security would fall. In few days, the panic had erupted and the despair swept U.S.
  • Invasion of Japan

    Invasion of Japan
    Japan attacked pearl harbor without any declaration. The damage of U.S. was huge and the battleship "Arizona" was shattered. Right after that day, U.S. decided to fight against Japan.
  • Hiroshima

    U.S. dropped the bomb over Nagasaki and on 14th, Japan surrended. But still, bombing gave Japan horible consequences. About 80,000 people wounded, died and some of them still has injury from that day.
  • United Nations was created

    United Nations was created
    UN was established for world's peace. Their aims are cooperating all the nations in economically, socially and so on. There are 193 member states they meet up throughtout the year.
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    It was one of the movements that showed U.S. civil rights movement. It started with Black woman, refusing giving her seat to white man and it spread as big Black rights movement. Blacks started to boycott
  • My dad was born....

    My dad was born....
    I believe this event could be pretty important one for me. Without his birth, I wouldn't have born. And of course my dad's wouldn't have borned if there wasn't my grandparents' marriage or birth.
  • Feminism

    In 1966, National Organization for Women was founded. Before, 1960's women were known as just symbol of motherhood, caring husband and children at home. But as the idea of feminism poped up, women started to show their own career in every job.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    This was one of the greatest political scandal that happened in U.S. This was the result of break-in at the Democratic National Commitee. For president Nixon's reelection, the democratic party came to Washington D.C. Nixon resigned his presidency as a result of cover up what he had done.
  • Lifestyles started to change.

    Lifestyles started to change.
    During the 1980's, U.S.' lifestyle started to change. The cable television came out and science and technology made terrific strides.
  • Reagan's reaganomics

    Reagan's reaganomics
    Reagan's reaganomics(economic policy that Reagan had done) made U.S. economy experienced rising of unemployment and stagflation and rising of national debt. Although it had few positive aspects, it ended up as a failure.
  • The end of the Cold War

    The end of the Cold War
    The falling of Soviet Union brought many things to everyone. Firstly, it brought world peace and it also brought new culture, economic state and so on to Americans. It was the turning point that American faced and also, the Cold War could've turned as WWIII but not.