Coffee history (1)

US History: VHS Summer: John Publicover

  • The massacre at sand creek

    The massacre at sand creek
    this day in history sand creek Black kettle chief of a tribe of 800 cheyenne indians wanted protection from the US army, but his people were massacred instead. On November 29th 1851 over 400 indians were brutally murdered by the Colorado volunteers
  • the gilded age

    the gilded age
    pbs gilded age The gilded age was a period in american history were many fell below the poverty line. Unfair labor practices at this time allowed some to make millions off of the hard work of others.
  • Organized Labor

    Organized Labor
    organised labor In the mid 19th century Americans began to transition from farming to working in factories. At this time there were not many law regarding the treatment of workers, laborers unionised to receive better treatment and wages from their employers.
  • Period: to

    US History: VHS Summer: John Publicover

    This is a comprehensive timeline of U.S history 1877-2011. This timeline will contain historical events and ideas.
  • sinking of the USS Maine

    sinking of the USS Maine
    naval history USS Maine The USS Maine was sent to Havana during the Cuban revolt against Spain. The Maine exploded in 1898 and at the time the US government blamed the spanish, but today it is believed the cause of the explosion was improper storage of gunpowder
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated
    Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinatedthe assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is regarded as the spark that started world war I. Backed by Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany the Austro Hungarian nation declared war on Serbia.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    BBC ww1The assignation of the Archduke of Austria, Franz Ferdinand sparked the five year war between the allied forces and central forces. The United States did not enter the war until April 6, 1917.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a luxurious ocean liner that traveled between the United States and Great Britain. The lusitania was sunk by a German U boat, killing many people. The death of neutral civilians made encouraged the US to enter the war.
  • treaty of versailles

    treaty of versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles
    among others David Lloyd George, Georges Clemenceau and Woodrow Wilson gather in versailles to decide the fate of the defeated germans. Germany was found entirely responsible for the war, and had to pay reparations for the damages they caused
  • The Harlem renaissance

    The Harlem renaissance
    pbs harlem renaissance
    The Harlem renaissance was a literary, cultural and political movement in the 1920s. At this time many black writers, artists and musicians came to the north to express themselves freely.
  • The Great depression

    The Great depression
    About History Great depression
    The Great depression began with the stock market crash of october 29th 1929. Many people suffered greatly during the depression, until FDR used federal spending to create jobs and stimulate the economy
  • World War II

    World War II
    Germany Unsatisfied with the ruling of the treaty of versailles Invaded poland in 1939 starting World War II. The United States entered the war after being attacked by japan December 7th 1941.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    Atomic bombThe Atomic Bomb was originally designed to be used on germany before the could develop atomic weapons, But Germany was defeated before the completion of the Bomb. Japan was the only enemy combatant left on 6 August 1945 an atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima, Japan surrendered September 2nd 1945
  • Rosa Parks bus boycott

    Rosa Parks bus boycott
    bus boycott December first 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man. Rosa Parks was arrested for violation of segregation laws, her arrest led to the Montgomery bus boycott and other civil rights movements
  • civil rights movement

    civil rights movement
    civil rightsThe national effort made by black people and their supporters in the 1950s and 1960s to eliminate segregation and gain equal rights.
  • Geen politics

    Geen politics

    green politics definition
    Green politics- a political ideology that aims to create an ecologically sustainable society rooted in environmentalism, social justice, and grassroots democracy
  • Feminism

    feminismFeminism-The advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.
  • Americanization

    britianicaAmericanization- to make American in form, style, or character. To absorb or assimilate into American culture. To bring under American influence or control.
  • globalization

    when did globalization beginglobalization-: the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalized; especially : the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets

    pbs Iran-contra affair In November 1986, it was discovered that American military supplies had been secretly sold to Iran. It was later found out that a cia administrator was transferring fund from the iran arms deal to fund nicaraguan terrorists
  • Operation Desert Storm

    Operation Desert Storm
    Gulf warThe Gulf war codenamed Operation Desert Storm was the first major conflict the US has been in since the cold war. The Gulf war began when iraq invaded kuwait the United States led UN allies to remove iraqi troops and liberate kuwait.