US History Timeline - 1920s and Prohibition, Great Depression and Dust Bowl, 1960s and public protests

  • Political Movements

    Religion, slavery, and topics such as abortion become more and more pressing in politics
  • Women receive right to vote

    The 19th amendment passes allowing woman to vote
  • Prohibition Laws Placed

    Prohibition laws go into place to attempt to ultimately put an end to alcohol in the US.
  • Tariff Raise

    Congress passes a raise on certain tariff to protect the American economy
  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford blows up with efficiency, passing a capital of $1 billion
  • The Great Gatsby

    "The Great Gatsby", a novel based on the Roaring 20s is released by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  • Ku Klux Klan Marches

    A mass of 40,000 Klansman march down Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington
  • Spirit of Saint Louis Flight

    The famous New York to Paris 33 hours flight takes place
  • Herbert Hoover elected 31st POTUS

    Herbert Hoover, amidst controversy, is elected 31st president of the Unites States
  • St. Valentine's Day Massacre

    An infamous massacre of 7 gang memories sprung up of prohibition laws
  • Drought

    A drought hits 23 American states, ultimately causing the Dust Bowl
  • Bank of the United States fails

    The 4th largest bank in the world at the time, Bank of the United States, fails, causing many economic issues
  • Food Riots

    Riots caused by a shortage of food spring up in Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Revenue Act of 1932

    Hoover passes act to increase top income tax rates, depression is worsened by this action
  • Federal Emergency Relief Act

    The Federal Emergency Relief Act opens many federal jobs in hope of lessening unemployment
  • Emergency Relief cont.

    Emergency Relief Appropriation ultimately creates 8.5 million jobs
  • Hot Temperatures

    The hottest summer in US history, with 8 states recording temperatures of at least 110 degrees
  • Roosevelt's Second Term

    Launches 3rd deal of presidency to help economy, depression continues
  • Abolition of Mark to Market Accounting

    Rule forced banks to consider own real estate value as markets crashed
  • Progress Made

    FDR starts 3rd term, drought comes to an end, and economy gains stable legs for first time in over a decade
  • John F. Kennedy elected president

  • JFK's famous quote

    At his inaugural speech, JFK says famous line "ask not what your country can do you—ask what you can do for your country."
  • Kennedy Raises Minimum Wage

    JFK passes laws to increase minimum wage from $1 to $1.25
  • JFK Tax Cuts

    JFK begins to push for major tax cuts for Americans.
  • JFK Assassination

    JFK is assassinated during tour through Dallas, Texas
  • Lyndon Johnson Tax Cuts

    President Johnson works for national tax cuts, up to multiple percentages in each category
  • Civil Rights

    Civil Rights Act of 1964 is passed, outlaws public discrimination
  • Martin Luther stands up

    Martin Luther begins standing up and out against the war proposed by president
  • Protest Marches to UN and Pentagon

    Marches of protests are made to the UN and pentagon, the UN Protest March recording an attendance of over 400,000
  • Peace Moratorium

    2 million citizens take part in Peace of Moratorium protests, the largest recorded protest at the time