US History Project

  • Creation of Time Zones for Railroads

    Creation of Time Zones for Railroads
    The creation of the time zones was a tremendous help to the transportation and shipping industry. Without time zones, this business would be far more dangerous than it is today. With time zones, the amount of confusion and collisions decreased significantly, as did the faith from investors.
  • Andrew Carnegie Pens "The Gospel of Wealth"

    Andrew Carnegie Pens "The Gospel of Wealth"
    The Gospel of Wealth was an essay written by steel industrialist and titan Andrew Carnegie, which essentially explains the social responsibilities and benefits of vast personal wealth. The most important change it helped bring about was the idea of philanthropy, which is basically spending money for the greater good of the community; for example, building libraries and schools. "No man becomes rich until he enriches others."
    -Andrew Carnegie
  • Teddy Roosevelt Creates the Rough Riders

    Teddy Roosevelt Creates the Rough Riders
    Theodore Roosevelt was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy before this decision. His purpose was to create a special regiment in order to help in the Spanish American War. This was important because the Rough Riders were a crucial part of the American Forces and helped influence the outcome of the War. "It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed"
    - Theodore Roosevelt
  • The Heir to the Austro-Hungarian Throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was Assassinated

    The Heir to the Austro-Hungarian Throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was Assassinated
    The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was one of the more important and influential events in history. His assassination was the spark that started World War 1, as his death lead to the invasion of Serbia by Hungary. This War resulted in the death of millions, the destruction of empires, the traumatization of a generation, and the United States' rise to true world dominance and economic growth. This all boiled down from this event.
  • Scopes Trial

    Scopes Trial
    The significance of the of the John T. Scopes trial was the fact that it fueled intense debate over creationism and evolutionism. This trial is in fact still relevant today, as the decline in Christian morals and the becoming of a secular nation ensued.
  • Stock Market Crash

    Stock Market Crash
    The biggest significance of the Stock Market Crash was that it marked the beginning of The Great Depression.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was one of the more important events in American History. Without Pear Harbor, we more than likely wouldn't have entered the War. This event inspired many Americans to join the War in order to get back at the Japanese. As a result, Germany declared war on us, and the rest is history. On the otherhand, this led to Executive Order 9066.
  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
    The Yalta Conference was the meeting between the three super powers: the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union. This was a very important meeting, as many tremendous decisions were made at this time, including the decision to allow liberated countries to create their own democratic governments, accept Germany's unconditional surrender (including the splitting of Germany into halves and their war reparations), and that Russia would enter the war against Japan.
  • The Launch of Sputnik 1

    The Launch of Sputnik 1
    The Launch of Sputnik 1 was a very important event regarding the technological advances of both the United States and Russia. It is considered the event that sparked the Space Race. This increased tensions between the two countries because the idea that Russians could put something (like a bomb) into orbit was frightening. This was also a blow to America's prestige, and was worsened by America's failure at their first attempt.
  • The Bay of Pigs Invasion

    The Bay of Pigs Invasion
    The Bay of Pigs Invasion was a failed attempt to overthrow the communist government rising in Cuba. The failure in this resulted in, most importantly, the Cuban Missile Crisis. It also strengthened Castro's ties to the Soviet Union. Because of this event, America began to live in fear, as it seemed that nuclear war was imminent. The United States military went to DEFCON 2, the lowest level before imminent nuclear war.
  • Fire Hoses and Police Dogs Used on Peaceful Protestors

    Fire Hoses and Police Dogs Used on Peaceful Protestors
    On this day, thousands of protestors were marching in Birmingham, Alabama, when the mayor Eugene "Bull" Connor ordered police to use fire hoses to keep them out of the downtown area. They set the hoses to very powerful levels, powerful enough to rip bark off of a tree. The significance of this event was the fact that it was broadcasted all around the world and opened many people's eyes to what was really happening in the movements.
  • Creation of Reagonomics

    Creation of Reagonomics
    Reagonomics was a massive economic program endorsed by president Ronald Reagan. Reagonomics was essentially a form of "trickle down" economics: that savings would "trickle down" from the top to the bottom of the economic classes.
  • September 11th Terrorist Attacks

    September 11th Terrorist Attacks
    The September 11th Terrorist Attacks were attacks on the United States committed by Islamic group al-Qaeda. On that day, a group of terrorists hijacked four planes: two hit the North and South Towers of the World Trade Center, one hit the Pentagon, and the last one crashed into a field. The attacks claimed the lives of over two thousand people. This event was the biggest cause of the War on Terrorism and current US involvement in the Middle East.