US History 1955-1975

  • Rosa Parks Arrested

    On November 1, 1955 a women by the name of Rosa Parks took a seat on the front of a bus, which at the time was prohibited for people of color, and was approached by a white male who told her to move. She declined and was unfortunately shortly arrested thereafter.
  • The Vietnam War

    On November 1 1955 the longest war in America officially began, the Vietnam war. The war didn't end until April 30, 1975.
  • Desegregation in Little Rock

    President Eisenhower took charge in sending troops to Little Rock to make sure the court ordered desegregation of the cities public schools was taking place. On September 24, 1957 nine students of color entered into Little Rock Central High School.
  • US launches first Satellite

    On January 1, 1958 the United States launches it's first Satellite into space. This marked the US formal entry into the "space race" with the Russians.
  • The Bay of Pigs

    The Bay of Pigs took place on April 17, 1961 and was a failed landing operation on the western coast of Cuba. In the end this event badly damaged the US prestige.
  • MLK is assassinated

    On April 4, 1968 a tragedy struck when Martin Luther King Jr. was giving a public speech and was shot by James Earl Ray.
  • Nixon is Elected President

    On November 5, 1968 Nixon was elected as President of the US.
  • 26th Amendment

    On July 1,1971 the 26th Amendment was ratified, which stated that the national voting age is now lowered from 21 to 18.