US energy Timeline

  • Feb 18, 1300

    Wind energy

    Wind energy
    The first horizontal-axis windmills (like a pinwheel) appeared in Western Europe
  • Natural gas

    Natural gas
    Natural gas was used in Baltimore to fuel street lamps. During the 19th century, natural gas was used in Europe and in North America as a lighting fuel. Most of the natural gas produced at that time was manufactured from coal and not extracted from the earth, as it is today
  • Eler=ctromagnetic Introduction

    Eler=ctromagnetic Introduction
    is the production of voltage across a conductor moving through a magnetic field.
  • Hydropower

    Street lamps in the city of Niagara Falls were powered by hydropower (direct current
  • Nucleur Energy

    Nucleur Energy
    Wilhelm Roentgen, a German physicist, discovered X-rays.
  • Geothermal energy

    Geothermal energy
    The first dry steam geothermal power plant was built in Laderello in Tuscany, Italy. The Larderello plant today provides power to about 1 million households.
  • Solar Thermal

    Solar Thermal
    Albert Einstein won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his theories that explained the photoelectric effec