
United States Immigration

  • Period: to

    Immirgation History

  • Plymouth Rock Landing

    Plymouth Rock Landing
    The true first immigration into American from the border states were from Plymoth ,England . Puritans were venturing out to find a New World where they could praise their lord with out the pressure of the Crown. They landed in now a day called Plymouth, Mass.
  • Naturalization Act of 1790

    Naturalization Act of 1790
    This Act was made to be one of the first rules of granting citezenship in the United States. Allowing only Free White Men of Good Standing to be able to immirgate and become American Citizens. Excluded every other race.
  • Naturalization Act of 1798

    Naturalization Act of 1798
    This Act was passed by congress which it increased the time necessary for immigarnt to become citizens of the United States. The expansion was from five years to Fourteen years.
  • Page Act of 1875

    Page Act of 1875
    Was the first law of Immigrations about excluding immirgants with undesirable qualities that could influence the nation's future. Mostly Directed to the Chinese population of labor and women
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    This Act allowed the United States to restrict the Chinese people from immirgating to the states for labor purposes and allowing them to not come to the country for 10 yeaars.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    Ellis Island in the New York Harbor opened a Federal United States Immigration station for peopel to come to the New world. This is a famous land mark in present day.
  • Immigration Act of 1903

    Immigration Act of 1903
    This was also called the Anarchist Act which was another law regulating immirgartion into the U.S.This law just added to the people that they will not allow into the counrty or who they can deport.
  • Immigration Act of 1907

    Immigration Act of 1907
    This act help to reorganize the border states of Mexico and how they do the immigration into the Border Districts.
    *Note not the original Date
  • Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907

    Gentlemen's Agreement of 1907
    Never was an offical Act thogh it was an informal agreement between United States and Japan where there would be no restrictions on the Japanese immigration though this ened in 1924.
    *Not the offical date.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    Emergency Quota Act
    This Act made a quota that had to be followed by the immigrats that were admitted to the United States. Only allowing about 3% of people to come into the country anually.. They did this to protect the American culture.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    This act was put into law to be able to cap the amount of immigrants coming to the United States from 3% to a 2% also it modified the National Origins Formula. This was to really slow down and decrease immigration.
  • The Alien Registration Act

     The Alien Registration Act
    This law was put into process for non-citizen to register to the government associated with a green card. This also falls with having a Visa.Also know as the Smith Act
  • Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943

    Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943
    This repealled the Chinese Exclusion Act set in 1882 allowing Chinese already in the counrty to be able to become naturalized citizens. Also known as the Magnuson Act
  • Hart-Cellar Act

    Hart-Cellar Act
    This made it so that the United States could not have quotas based on national origin ,though it was the first time Mexico was restriced.
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996

    Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996
    This regulates how long illegal immigrants caught without identification will premit in deportation from the United States for a maximum of ten years if caught.
  • Creation of the USCIS 2003:

    Creation of the USCIS 2003:
    The United States immigration and Naturlization Services merged into Homeland Security. This allows them to handle immirgation services and benefits . Also borderr security and trnsportation.
  • Arizona SB 1070

    Arizona SB 1070
    The launching of the Arisona Bill SB 1070 that made it more aware that you must have a valid Identification and for aliens to register to the government after 30 days.Also allow spolice to invesitigate immirgation status with lawful stop and reasonable suspicion. Seen as a Bill that allows profiling though it is not to be used in that manner. Bill was taken to Supreme Court and modified.