United States History II

  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assasinated

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand Assasinated
    Austrian heir assasinated by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia.
  • Germany Teams Up With Austria-Hungary

    Germany Teams Up With Austria-Hungary
    Germany supports Austria-Hungary, declared war on Russia.
  • Belgium Invaded

    Belgium Invaded
    Germany uses the Schlieffen Plan to invade Belguim.
  • Halted In France

    Halted In France
    Allies of Belguim halt Germany at the Maine River in France.
  • British Liner Sunk

    British Liner Sunk
    Germany sinks Lusitania with a U-boat.
  • America Outraged

    America Outraged
    Americans were outraged by the Germans. They lost 128 Americans.
  • Declaration of War Against Germany

    Declaration of War Against Germany
    At 1 O'clock in the morning, the United States House of Representatives were debating on President Wilson's request for war against Germany.
  • Battle of The Somme

    Battle of The Somme
    On first day, the British suffered 60,000 casualties
  • Congress Passes Act

    Congress Passes Act
    Congress passes the Selective Service Act.
  • The AEF Evolves

    The AEF Evolves
    The American Expeditionary Force, that was led by General John J. Pershing,evolves into a combat - tested army.
  • Russia Quits

    Russia Quits
    Russia pulls out of war and the Germans shift from the eastern front to the western front of France.
  • The Royal Air Force

    The Royal Air Force
    The British formed a bomber force of 22,000 planes to attack German weapon factories.
  • 25 Killed 132 Captured

    25 Killed 132 Captured
    Alvin York killed 25 and captured 132 Germans.
  • Allies Win

    Allies Win
    Austria - Hungary surrendered to the Allies.
  • Sailors Mutiny

    Sailors Mutiny
    German sailors mutinied agaisnt government authority.
  • Repbulic Established

    Repbulic Established
    Solcialist leaders in the capital of Berlin established a German republic.
  • The Armistice

    The Armistice
    Germany agreed to end the war and signed the armisitce.
  • Registered Under The Act

    Registered Under The Act
    24 million men registered under the act and almost 3 million were called up.
  • Prohibition In Effect

    Prohibition In Effect
    Eighteenth Amendment that was put into effect to make the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcohol illegal.
  • Harding's Confrence

    Harding's Confrence
    President Warren G.Harding invited several of the major powers to Washington Naval Confrence after World War I.
  • Birth Control Rights

    Birth Control Rights
    Margaret Sanger founded the American Birth Control League (Planned Parenthood Federation of America) and fought for rights of physicians to give information to patients on birth control.
  • Tariff Trouble

    Tariff Trouble
    Fordney - McCumber Tariff was adopted by America. It raised taxes on U.S. imports 60%.
  • Crime of Evolution

    Crime of Evolution
    Tennesse made first law making it illegal to teach evolution.
  • Alain Locke's "The New Negro"

    Alain Locke's "The New Negro"
    Landmark collection of stories by many young African - American writers.
  • Scopes & Darrow Vs. Bryan

    Scopes & Darrow Vs. Bryan
    The Scopes trial started to defend the teachings of evolution. Clarence Darrow was hired to defend John T. Scopes. William Jennings Bryan was against evolution.
  • Ford's Airplane

    Ford's Airplane
    Henry Ford makes trimotor airplane.
  • Pan American Airways

    Pan American Airways
    Inaugurated the first transatlantic pansenger flights.
  • The Vega First To Fly

    The Vega First To Fly
    Was a single - engine plane and produced by the Lockheed Company. First that flew was the "Golden Eagle".
  • Movie With Sound

    Movie With Sound
    "The Jazz Singer" was the first major movie with sound
  • Opening of The Holland Tunnel

    Opening of The Holland Tunnel
    First underwater tunnel designed for mother vehicles. It was to connect New York, Jersey, and New Jersey.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    Fifteen countries signed it. Renounced war as national policy. Did not provide means of enforcement.
  • Steamboat Willie

    Steamboat Willie
    Was Walt Disney's first animated film with sound.
  • Woodbridge Cloverleaf

    Woodbridge Cloverleaf
    First cloverleaf intersection in New Jersey.
  • Tariff Trouble

    Tariff Trouble
    Congress passes Hawley - Smoot Tarrif and made unemployment worse in industries no longer exporting goods to Europe. It was designed to protect American farmers and companies from foreign comepetition.
  • Ambitious Economic Measure

    Ambitious Economic Measure
    Congress approves Hoover's Reconstruction Finance Corporation. RFC authorized $2 billion for emergency financing for banks, life insurance companies, railroads, other large businesses.
  • Hoover Takes Action

    Hoover Takes Action
    President Hoover signs the Federal Home Loan Bank Act . This lowered mortgage rates for homeowners and allowed farmers to refinance and avoid foreclosure.
  • Army Marches

    Army Marches
    World War I veterans and their familes marched in Washingto, D.C. demanding for bonus payments for their service. Originally called the Bonus Expeditionary Force; now known as the Bonus Army.
  • Hundred Days

    Hundred Days
    Congress passes more than 15 major pieces of New Deal legislation. Expanded federal government's role in nation's economy
  • Work Opportunities For Young Men

    Work Opportunities For Young Men
    The Civilian Conservation Corps provided work for young men from the ages 18 to 25. Work in building roads, developing parks, planting trees, helping in soil - erosion and flood - control projects.
  • Home Owners' Savior

    Home Owners' Savior
    Home Owners Loan Corporation provides government loans to homeowners who are threatened by foreclosure.
  • NIRA Enacted

    NIRA Enacted
    Congress enacts the National Industrial Recovery Act. This provideds money to states to create jobs in construction of schools and other community buidlings.
  • FDIC

    President Roosevelt establishes The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. This provided federal insurance for individual bank accounts of up to $5,000.
  • Congress's Step

    Congress's Step
    Congress passes the Glass - Steagall Act. This established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
  • Election Victory

    Election Victory
    Franklin Delano Roosevelt becomes president.
  • SEC

    Securities and Exchange Commission was created by Congress to regulate the stock market. One goal was to prevent people with inside information about companies from ruining the stock market for their own gain.
  • Indian Reorganization Act

    Indian Reorganization Act
    Also known as the "Wheeler -Howard Act" or "Indian New Deal". Helped restore reservation tribal lands for Native Americans. Commissioner of Indian affairs, John Collier, hleped create this Act.
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    Dust storm caused by drought and over plowed topsoil, 500,000 Americans left homeless, over 350 houses had to be torn down. Occurred in Kansas, Oklahoma,Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado
  • NYA

    Nationall Youth Administration provided education, jobs, counseling and student aid to high school, collge, and graduate students
  • African Americans Speak

    African Americans Speak
    African Americans decided that they needed to fight for and improve their living conditions that they believed the New Deal ignored. The Southern Tenant Farmers Union was organzed to protect the rights of tenant farmers and sharcroppers, both races.
  • Hitler Vs. Denmark and Norway

    Hitler Vs. Denmark and Norway
    Hitler launches surprise invasion on both Denmark and Norway. He said that it was "to protect freedom and independence." He actually did it to to build bases along the coasts to attack Great Britian. Denmark then surrenders.
  • The Battle Begins

    The Battle Begins
    The Battle of Britian begins and Germany bombs Britian with Luftwaffe tactics for one year. London Blitz was 40 days of nonstop bombing against London.
  • Lend - Lease Act

    Lend - Lease Act
    Is passed by Congress and gives President Franklin Roosevelt the right to sell, transfer, and lease war goods to Allied Powers. This ends America's Neutraility.
  • US Devistation

    US Devistation
    Japan bombed the largest US naval base known as Pearl Harbor and killing an overal amount of 2,350 people
  • "A Date Which Will Live In Infamy"

    "A Date Which Will Live In Infamy"
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt makes a speech to Congress to request their support in declaring war against Japan. It ends up moving 99% people to want to fight Japan.
  • Roosevelt Takes Action!

    Roosevelt Takes Action!
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt creats the War Production Board to coordinate momilzation.
  • Atomic Bomb Under Way

    Atomic Bomb Under Way
    The United States Army Corps of Engineers partake in the Manhattan Project to develop an atomic bomb.
  • "Final Solution"

    "Final Solution"
    Hitler's Nazis develop a method for exterminationg Jews at concentration camps
  • Offensive Germans in South Soviet Union

    Offensive Germans in South Soviet Union
    Hitler wanted Soviet oil fields and wipe out Stalingrad. Luftwaffe was used bombing over the Volga and Stalingrad.
  • Allies vs Afrika Korps

    Allies vs Afrika Korps
    107,000 troops landed in Casablanca, Oran, and Algiers in North Africa; chased the Afrika Korps.
  • Soviet Victory

    Soviet Victory
    More than 230,000 German soldiers died in the Battle of Stalingrad. Hitler and his German troops surrender
  • Victory

    After months the of nonstop fighting, Afrika Korps surrender.
  • Italian Dictator Falls

    Italian Dictator Falls
    Sicily is captured and King Victor Emmanuel III summoned Mussolini, stripped him of his power, and had him arrested.
  • Allies Stopped In Italy?

    Allies Stopped In Italy?
    Germay tried to stop the Allied Powers less than 40 miles away from Rome. The battle "Bloody Anzio" lasted four months. 25,000 Allied, 30,000 Axis casualties
  • Allied Invasion

    Allied Invasion
    Operation Overlord; "D-Day"; Dwight D Eisenhower launched operation to fight Nazi Germany in Normandy, France. The beaches that they used were Utah, Omaha, Gold, and Sword.
  • Freedom

    Allied Powers freed France, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
  • Tragedy

    President Roosevelt dies having a stroke and Vice President Harry S. Truman became President.
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    Allies celebrated the end of the war with Europe.
  • Cambodia Invasion

    Cambodia Invasion
    President Richard Nixon announced on television that American forces invaeded Cambodia.
  • Students' Protest Begisns

    Students' Protest Begisns
    The Protests at Kent State University started.
  • Abandoned Building Set Aflame

    Abandoned Building Set Aflame
    The Revise Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) school was set on fire by student protestors.
  • Kent State Tragedy

    Kent State Tragedy
    National Guard opened fire on the Kent State Campus killing four and wounding nine student protestors.
  • Hotel Break In

    Hotel Break In
    The Watergate Scandal began with the break in of this hotel. During the Preidental Campaign, documents were stolen and the room was illegally wiretapped.
  • Watergate Scandal Punishment

    Watergate Scandal Punishment
    Nixon was exposed as to being involed with the Watergate break in and ended up resigning.
  • Year Zero

    Year Zero
    Cambodia was invaded by the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot became a Communist Dictator.
  • Terror In Cambodia

    Terror In Cambodia
    After Pol Pot became the dictator of Cambodia, Cambodian Genocide began to take place.