United States History Class Timeline 2015-2016

  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence

    Is a statement adopted by the continental congress meeting at Philadelphia, PA on July 4,1776.
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    United States History Class Timeline 2015-2016

  • Articles of Confederation

    The Continental Congress adopted the Articles of Confederation on this day in York,PA.
  • Constitutional Convention

    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is where it took place. They made changes to the Articles of Confederation.
  • Ratification of the United States Constitution

    The ratification of the Constitution took place on June 21, 1788.
  • Ratification of the Bill of Rights

    3/4 of the state's legislatures confirmed the first 10 ammendments to the Constitution known as the Bill of Rights
  • Cotton Gin Pattent

    Eli Whitney got the pattent for the cotton gin a machine that takes the seeds from cotton.
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    Lewis and Clark Expedition

    it the frst exploration by the US government of the country's northwestern wilderness.
  • First Mill built in Lowell, Mass

    Francis Lowell built the first cottom mill in the us. this was the first one to use power looms.
  • Period: to

    Trail of Tears

    Andrew Jackson sent the cherokee indians to leave their land and move west.
  • gold found at sutters mill

    John A Sutter found the first gold nugget that started the California gold rush.
  • The Treaty of Gualalupe Hidalgo

    This was the end of the Mexican - American war. Gave American southwest to United States.
  • the battle of Fort Sumter

    Was the frst battle of the AmericanCivil War. No one died in this battle.
  • the battle of Gettysburg

    In the town of Gettysburg, PA the largest battle of the Civil War lasted for three days. There were 51,000 casualities.
  • September 11 Terroist Attacks

    Four terrorist attacks were made by al-Queada on this day.
  • Birthday

    I was born on this day in Ephrata, PA.