united states history class 2015/2016

  • signing of the declaration of independance

    When evrey body that helped write it sighend it.
  • The Adoption of the Articles of Confederation

    When the united states acepted the articles of confederation as our first form ofgovernment.
  • The British Surrender at Yorktown

    The british surender at yorktown after fighting us.
  • Shays Rebellion: Attack on the Springfield Armory

    To much taxing to farmers.
  • The Constitutional Convention

    When the constituion was created.
  • ratification of the united states constitution

    The day the united states constitution was acsepted.
  • The Ratification of the Bill of Rights

    The day the bill of rights was acsepted.
  • lewis and clark expadition

    They left in 1804 to reach the pacific oceion.
  • lewis and clark expadition

    Lewis and clark reach the pacific ocean.
  • First mill built in Lowell, Massachusetts

    First built textile mill.
  • Trail of Tears

    Andrew jackson started the removal of the indeians westward.
  • Gold Discovered at Sutter's Mill

    James W. Marshall found several flakes of gold that began the transformation of the territory to a bustling center of activity.
  • Signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The treaty added an additional 525,000 square miles to United States territory, including the land that makes up all or parts of present-day Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming.
  • Trail of Tears

    The indeians reach there new teratory.
  • the battle of fort sumter

    The 1861 battle of fort sumter
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The biggest bloodist battle of U.S. and Britten.
  • The Battle of Little Bighorn

    June 25–26, 1876
    General Custard vs multiple tribes of indians and was way out numbered.
  • start of the great depression

    No jobs.
  • end of great depresion

    More jobs start poping up.
  • Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    Amarica lands the first person on th moon
  • Patent issued for the Cotton Gin

    The cotten gin was a modern faster machine for seperating seed from cotten.
  • attacks

    Four terist attacks two on the twin towers, one on the pentagon, and one people stood up and fought the terorist before the plane could reach the white house.
  • And poof I was.

    The world was blessed with me.
  • The inauguration of Barack Obama

    Barack Obama was alected to be presadent.