United States history

By Liammon
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    many agrucaltural upgrades wich greatly increased the production of food in america. although there is no exact date of the start, it started in the year of 1760
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    a time where the us gained many teritories such as hawaii
  • Reconstruction

    thirteenth amendment is passed by congress freeing all slaves in america.
  • Acqusittion of Hawaii

    Acqusittion of Hawaii
    America annexed Hawaii in order to keep it out of the hands of the British
  • Spanish American War

    Spanish American War
    there were apoximetly 300,000 troops and 2,000 of them were killed.
  • Panama Canal

    Panama Canal
    canal built through Panama to create the route from the Atlantic to the Pacific shorter.
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    World War 1

    first war to ever use gas and trench warfare. Also introduced the world to tanks
  • US neutral

    US neutral
    president Woodrow Wilson anounces america will remain neutral in the world war 1
  • America joins World War 1

    America joins World War 1
    United Staes declare war against Germany
  • Prohibition

    Amerca outlaws the use of acohol. Makes many people upset.
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    the Geat Depression and the New Deal

    depression- one of the worst times ever in american history.
    new deal- payed farmers for doing less
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    World War 2

    a deadly war that introduces atomic bombs to the world
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan planes bomb Pearl Harbor which leads to America declaring war on Japan on the next day
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    the Cold War

    a war of the Untited States and the Soviety Union where both sides use atomic bombs as there biggest threat.
  • Adof Hitler

    Adof Hitler
    adof hitler comits suicide
  • bomb on Hiroshima

    bomb on Hiroshima
    united states drop atomic bomb on hiroshima
  • United States bombs Nagasaki

    United States bombs Nagasaki
    United States drops atomic bomb on Nagasaki
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    Japan surrenders formally ending World War 2
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    the Korean War

    a war between north korea and south korea
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    Vietnam War

    the United States aids France to fight against the troops in Vietnam
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    The Gulf War

    Saddam Hessain invades Kuwait. America comes back with a huge air fleet known as dessert storm. These dispustes further led to the war of iraq.
  • Twin Towers fall

    Twin Towers fall
    terrorists from iraq run planes into the Twin Towers killing a large sum of inocent people and leaving the country very disstressed
  • Invasion of Iraq

    Invasion of Iraq
    american forces invade iraq on march 19, 2003
  • Operation Enduring Freedom

    Operation Enduring Freedom
    the name the United States government gave to the war on Afghanistan