Unit 8 WW2

By tiar
  • The Conggregational Medal

    The Conggregational Medal
    The Congregational Medal of Honor wss created during the American Civil War the Highest military decoration presented by the united stated government to a member of armed forces.
  • Dight Eisenhower

    Dight Eisenhower
    34th president of the united states from 1953-1961. Served as a five-star general in the army
  • Concentraton Camps

    Concentraton Camps
    Starting in1933, after hitler came into power and created a Nazi union, the developed over 20.000 concentration camps in Germany. Internment Camps were liberated by American soldiers.
  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust wasa systematic state-sponsored persecution of jews.
    6 Million jes had died from it.
  • Dougla Macarthur

    Dougla Macarthur
    Douglas was born Jan 26 1880. Heserved in the US military as an american general of the army. Eventually, he worked his way up to becoming top leader of the U.S. military academy then commander of U.S.
  • Merchant Marines

    Merchant Marines
    Merchant Marines was originated from a merchant marine act developed in 1936. Basically, Merchant Marines was a fleet of civilian owned merchant vessels that utiized cargo ships.
  • Chester W. Nimitz

    Chester W. Nimitz
    Born Feb. 24, 1885 and served a part in the U.S. military. He served in the naval branch as well.
  • George Marshall

    George Marshall
    George Marshall was Born December 31, 1880. He was army chief of staff that coordinated the war effort from washington D.C.
  • The Flying Tigers

    The Flying Tigers
    They wera a large group of chinese air force from 194-42.
  • Omar Bradley

    Omar Bradley
    Born February 12, 1893. He was a senior U.S. Army field Commander in North Africa and Europe during World War 2.
  • Mutiple Front War

    Mutiple Front War
    Began in 1941-43. It devided military forces in order to fight on land in europe and sea
  • Tuskegee Alrmen

    Tuskegee Alrmen
    The popeular name of a group of African American pilots who fought in the World War 2.
  • Navajo Code Talkers

    Navajo Code Talkers
    The NCT went into action during every U.S marine attack in the pacific from 1942-45. They practiced encryption to convert communication into an unknown language.
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    April, 9 1942, ten thousands of American and Fillipino soldiers surrendered to Japanese forces.
  • Island Hoping

    Island Hoping
    Was a military strategy employed by the allies in the pacific was against japan and the axis powers
  • D-Day Invasion

    D-Day Invasion
    Occured June 6, 1944 In northern france. It was allied invasion to repel the occupation of the german Army.
  • Operation Overload

    Operation Overload
    Was a code namd for th battlr of Normandy in 1944, The operation that launched the invasion of German-Occuoied western Europe during World War 2 by allied forces
  • George S. Patton

    George S. Patton
    Born November 11, 1885. He was a brash American General and Brilliant tank cmmander that led the third army of u.s. final assault on gremany.
  • Atomic Weapons

    Atomic Weapons
    The first were recognizd in1945. These Weapons were technology that gave President Truman the power to order all forces to surrender of face the destructon
  • Postdam Conference

    Postdam Conference
    The meeting was internationl partitioning of Germany into four seperate zones.
  • Liberty Cargo Ships

    Liberty Cargo Ships
    A technology used by the merchant Marines to contribute to the Victory in WW2
  • Treaty of Conventional Armed forces

    Treaty of Conventional Armed forces
    Established limits on key catogories of Conventional ARMY.