World war 2 wwii

unit 8 timeline

  • congressional medal of honor

    This medal is awarded for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty. The President gives it to the person. March 25, 1863 was when the first medal of honor was awarded.
  • Douglas MacArthur

    He was an American general and field marshal. He led the Escape to Australia when the Japanese had tightened around the Philippines and obtained the Medal of Honor.
  • George Marshall

    He was an American Military leader and Secretary of State. He got the Nobel Peace Prize and Silver Star. He organized the largest military expansion in American history.
  • Chester W. Nimitz

    He was selected as commander in chief during World War II. He was given the rank of Admiral.
  • George S. Patton

    He was a general in the United States Army he was well known for commanding the Seventh United States Army. He later became known for the Third United States Army, in the European Theatre in World War II
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower

    He was the 34th president of the United States. He was in office between the years 1953 and 1961. He was a five star general during WWII
  • Omar Bradley

    Eisenhower’s front-line troubleshooter
  • concentration camps

    Concentration camps were interment camps where Jews, Gypsies and other undesirables were kept before being killed. Dachau was the first camp opened.
  • merchant marines

    They were aboard the Liberty Ships and traveled bringing supplies and anything else that was needed to troops.
  • The Holocaust

    This was the mass killing of mainly Jewish people. This mass killing also included people who were African American, who were gypsies, mentally handicapped, physically handicapped, elderly, or was an infant
  • multiple front war

    Dividing military forces to fight.
  • Liberty ships

    how the merchant marines tribute to the war.
  • flying tigers

    Former Air Force recruits from America who chose to fly amongst the Chinese Air Force to defend against Japan.
  • Bataan Death March

    This date was based on a survivor’s story. This was when the Japan had made 76,000 prisoners (Americans and Filipinos) march northward to captivity on a death route.
  • battle of midway

    Known as the most important battle of WWII. This was when the Japanese had planned to lure Americans air fighters into a trap.
  • island hopping

    The US strategy in the Pacific Theater. If there were no air or naval bases on an island any troops the Japanese had stationed there presented no threat, so the US "hopped over" these islands.
  • operation overlord

    Another name for The Battle of Normandy also known as D-Day
  • Tuskegee Airmen

    Group of black who fought in the war. They were from a base in Tuskegee, Alabama and were also known as the Red Tails because of the markings on their planes.
  • potsdam conference

    This was the meeting of the principal Allies in World War II to clarify and implement agreements reached at the Yalta.
  • Navajo Code Talkers

    They converted communication into an unknown language so no one would know what they're saying.
  • atomic weapons

    Mainly the Atomic Bomb, It gave President Truman the condfidence to demand a surrender or suffer destruction The date August 9th, 1945 was when America bombed Nagasaki.
  • Korean War

  • Berlin Airlift

  • Polio vaccine