Unit 3 timeline Louis zapata muggenborg

By zapatal
  • Apr 18, 1492

    columbian exchange

    columbian exchange
    was a exchane of plant,animals,food. It helped spread tdisease to the native people of the new worlds. The new products help inispire new crops and techniques to live
  • Period: Apr 18, 1492 to

    creation of the colonies in the new world

    the european powers after hearing of the new world quickly send voyages of hundreds of people to form colonies in areas such as in north south and central america. the colonies would then send various goods back to the monarchy.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1500 to

    triangle trade

    were trades between three regions of the world in which material would be transfered from one point to another. One of the most famous was the atlantic slave trade in which people were sent to europe to america from africa.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1501 to

    Safavid empire

    wa a persian empire ruled in iran.the safavid main religion was that of the shite muslim. First native dynasty created in iran
  • Period: Apr 18, 1517 to

    protestant reformation

    was a movement led by the protestant to create a diffrent branch of christianity. The protestiant were not met in open arms as the jesuits created a counter reform to stop them
  • Period: Apr 18, 1526 to Apr 18, 1530


    military crusader from central asia. he came into power kabur. he was also the descendt of timur and ghengis khan
  • Period: Apr 18, 1526 to

    Mughal empire

    was a empire that was mostly based in the indian subcontinent. it fell due to wars, famine,religion revolts and disputes of people
  • Apr 18, 1543

    scientific revolution

    scientific revolution
    when science subjectt such as biology,astrology,chemistry, and othe sciences began to become accepted in the world. This led to inventions of many new things.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1552 to

    matteo ricci

    was amember of the jesuit of christianity and became the founder of the jesuits in china. he managed to get more followers because he actually talked to the chinnese.
  • Period: Apr 18, 1564 to


    was a major player in the scientific revolution as he mostly is known for his work in astrology. he also inveted the telescope which he was able to observe the stars.
  • Period: to

    tokugawa shogunate

    was a sysytem in which various shogunate ruled vast area of land in japan. the regime was later replaced by the meiji restorATION
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    thirty years war

    the war was fought between mostly the protestant and catholics of the branches of christianity. Many european powers took part in the war and le to vast destruction and debt.
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    qing dynasty

    was the last ruling dynasty in china. it was founded by the manchu clan. the dynasty would later fall due to revolution and wars.
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    peter the great

    he was the ruler of russia back then. He is known as the leader who led the moderization of russia. He created a navy and also led to more women rights and dreesing diffrently after what he witness when he traveled to europe
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    catherine the great

    ruled the russian empire and helped administrate it and expand its territories. she created new foreign policys and was known to have made russia a superpower.
  • the enlightenment

    the enlightenment
    was known as the age of reason. it was known as this because people were using reason insted of religion to solve their problems instead of the church which led to the acceotance of knowledge.
  • Period: to

    french indian war

    was a war in which the french and native american joined forces to drive out the british in the new world. the both sides were defeated by the british empire eventually
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    louis xvi

    was the king of france. he was known as a bad king and was hated by the french. he tried to leave the country during the revolution but was caught and excuted.
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    Marie antoinette

    was the wife of the king of france. She was known to be of austrian royality and was considred a big spender by the french people. she was excuted for acts of treason during the french austrian war.
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    was one of the storngest and boldest general in the french revolution. He led to many conquest of the french.
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    americain revolution

    the americain angry about their treatment from the british decide to suceed from the the british. the 13 colonies banded together and fought through both arms and actss of disobedience
  • decleration of the rights of man

    decleration of the rights of man
    was written by marquis de Lafayette in which the french congress adopted it . the french people used it that stated that their were ceartin right s in which the monarchy could not take away
  • storming of the bastille

    storming of the bastille
    The french civilans angry about their goverment storm the bastille. the bastille was a prison but it only held a couple of prisoners. The guards were killed and their heads were in the pikes.
  • Period: to

    french revolution

    The french angry about their monarchy goverment overthrow the king and queen and excute them. This also led to the creation of the national razor and the french going to war with other countries.
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    haitian revolution

    was a slave revolt in Saint-Domingue in the French colony. Haiti was a French colony because of its rich sugar resources which attracted many French. One of the heros of the revolution Vicent Oge as he demanded the right to vote. He was later excuted. The outcome of the revolution was the creation of the Haitian Republic.
  • Period: to

    congress of vienna

    was a congress in which various european powers met together to talk. they mostly dicussed about the french revolution and napoleon and how to deal with them.
  • waterloo

    wast a battle in which napoleon was defeated for one of the first time on land leading to heavy casualities. this also le to the europenan super powers to defeat napoleon