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Unit 13 Timeline

  • Sedition Act

    Sedition Act
    This act only furthered the fear of enemy threats within their own land. It allowed the espionage act to extend and allowed more investigations of any kind.If you so much had red on and near you, you were considered a traitor.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This treaty was one of the most important because it ended the first world war. It ended the conflict between Germany and the Allied powers creating an era of peace. However did it really cull the feelings stirring inside of Germany?
  • Chicago Race Riots

    Chicago Race Riots
    Black people were continuously being targeted, brutalized, and murdered across the U.S. Enough was enough and people decided it was time to fight back. A riot broke out with black vs. white causing a fire that began to help people think about race.
  • Red Scare

    Red Scare
    As the pressure between the countries surmounted, Americans became more and more scared of the Russian and Bolshevik presence. Propaganda and laws came out in order to contain the Russian people and deport them for threat of security.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    To limit the amount of "incorrect" immigrants flowing into the country this act was created. It limited the number of immigrants coming in from 2 percent of the country immigration.
  • Stock market Crash

    Stock market Crash
    This one one of the biggest and most tragic events of this time. The stock market crash is the catalyst that triggered the ensuing Great depression. Employment dropped and banks were closing all over the country.