Unit 13 90's Timeline

  • Clinton elected president.

    Clinton elected president.
    Clinton criticized Bush for not being able to solve the previous economic recession which Bush responded by downplaying the shortcomings, this pushed voters to vote for Clinton.
    More than 100 million citizens voted on the election of 1992. About 44 million people voted for Clinton in comparison to Bush, who got 38 million votes, and Perot, who got 20 million votes. Clinton won with 370 electoral votes, Bush got only 168 electoral votes, Perot had none. Clinton was elected.
  • Palestinian State Agreement

    Palestinian State Agreement
    Clinton attempted to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but he failed. An agreement was made September of 1993 signed by the Israeli prime minister and the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization in order to make preparations for a state. Rabin, the Israeli prime minister, was assassinated in 1995 and Palestinians, angered by Israeli building construction in their territory, escalated with suicide bombings. Israel responded with more attacks and the agreement shut down.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement comes into effect

    North American Free Trade Agreement comes into effect
    Signed in 1993, it came into effect on January 1, 1994. NAFTA was signed by Canada, Mexico,and the United States. It's goal was to get rid of barriers to trade and tariffs. Clinton advocated it as a way to increase domestic growth.
  • Bush Elected Governor

    Bush Elected Governor
    George W. Bush followed his fathers steps and got involved with politics. In 1994 he successfully ran for governor. Becoming the governor of Texas helped him get more involved with politics, which would allow him to become president later on.
  • Windows Operating System in Windows 95

    Windows Operating System in Windows 95
    Bill Gates, co founder of Microsoft had their Microsoft Internet Explorer embedded in Windows 95. Other software companies protested such as Netscape. A federal judge ordered Microsoft broken up but his decision was appealed in 2001.
  • Clinton reelected

    Clinton reelected
    Clinton was a charismatic presidential candidate. He had optimistic views on the economy while his opponent, Bob Dole, gave vague replies when his plans for a tax cut and reduction of the deficit were questioned. Clinton won with an Electoral College margin of 379 to 159.
  • Kyoto Protocol

    Kyoto Protocol
    In 1997, 130 nations met at Kyoto Japan. They signed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and other atmospheric pollutants. The U.S. Senate opposed it since developing countries like China were exempt. Clinton never submitted the treaty for ratification.
  • NATO Involved in Middle Eastern Affairs

    NATO Involved in Middle Eastern Affairs
    In 1999 President Clinton proposed and effort by NATO to prevent General Slobodan Milosevic of Yugoslavia from destroying Kosovo who wanted to secede. NATO continued to bomb Serbia for 7 months until Milosevic agreed to withdraw troops from Kosovo.
  • Columbine School Shooting

    Columbine School Shooting
    On april 4th, 1999 the first major school shooting occurred, taking the lives of 13. This became an event of major public interests and shaped the future of our schools. Columbine helped start a movement that created safer schools by building schools that had a floor plan that would make it hard for an intruder to enter and easy for students to evacuate.
  • Clinton impeached

    Clinton impeached
    President Clinton was accused of having extramarital affairs but he was quick to deny the accusations. However, a judge ordered him to testify in Paula Corbin Jones's lawsuit against him. Recordings proved that he had indeed had affairs outside of his marriage. Clinton continued to deny the claims by giving vague definitions of what him and Lewinsky had done. He was eventually impeached by Republicans in the House on grounds of perjury and obstruction of justice.