Unit 1 Evolution of Democracy

  • 509 BCE

    Rome Democracy

    Rome was declared a republic after king was sent away, Rich families 'patricians' took over and ruled the lower class 'plebs'. The plebs won more fights and rebelled.
  • Period: 350 BCE to 700 BCE

    Athenian Democracy

    The ancient Greeks had the first democracy created. The rights for slaves and women were very slim and the men were only allowed to vote in polls.
  • 1215


    Parliament was formed which took away kings 'Divine Right of Kings' right.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    King John was forced to sign the 'Magna Carta'. This provided some rights to citizens and actions King John couldn't do. King John was unable to steal firewood from other lands, force citizens to build bridges over rivers and many more.
  • Period: to

    American Revolution

    The first "True" democracy, Americans were given full rights to vote. The power of the government was limited. Women were only allowed to vote in 1919. African Americans were unable to vote aswell.
  • French Revolution

    The French Revolution took place because of Democracy. People who declared rights were overruled by Napolean. Soon to face the guillotine.