U.S. history timeline

  • emancipation proclamation

    emancipation proclamation
    President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, as the nation approached its third year of bloody civil war. The proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free.".president lincoln was the 16th president of the u.s he believed that all men were made equaaly and that all slaves must be freed.
  • Black codes law

    Black codes law
    The Union victory in the Civil War may have given some 4 million slaves their freedom, but African Americans faced a new onslaught of obstacles and injustices during the Reconstruction era (1865-1877). The black codes acctually baned african americans from using stuff white people used. there were signs of whites only or no colored in restrooms restaurants and parks
  • Reconstructio in the south

    Reconstructio in the south
    The Union victory in the Civil War in 1865 may have given some slaves their freedom, but the process of rebuilding the South during the Reconstruction period (1865-1877) introduced a new set of significant challenges. racism was still around in the south because the south did not agree with freeing the slaves because the majority of the incomes in the south depended on slavery and slave labors.
  • End of the civil war

    End of the civil war
    righht after an attempt to break through Union forces blocking the direction heading west to Danville, Virginia, Lee seeks an audience with General Grant to discuss terms. That afternoon in the parlor of Wilmer McLean, Lee signs a document of surrender. The civil war was fought in thousand of different places but the majority parts of the war fights took place in virginia and tenesee soils.medecine was not very advanced at that time so thousand of soldiers were killed during this war.
  • assassination of abraham lincoln

    assassination of abraham lincoln
    abraham lincoln was assassinated in a theater by john wilkes. linc.Abraham licoln was the 16th president of the United states of America he also was the president who claimed to end slavey lincoln believed that slavery was morally wrong but in the south slavery in farmings was one of their biggest goods and incomes lincoln believed that all man were created equally whites alike blacks, but not everyone agreed on that with him. So on the evening of april 14 1865 licoln was sot by a dissagrer.
  • passage of the 15th amendment

    passage of the 15th amendment
    on february 3rd 1870 the 15th amendment was signed and granted african americans males `to vote and shall not be denied or rejected because of their race or color.the 15th amendement was signed by president Lydon B. jhonson who was the 36th president of the united states of america he believed that every single american should have the right to vote for what they agree with without being looked at by their race or color.
  • Tuskegee institute founded

    Tuskegee institute founded
    On July 4 1881 Booker T. Washington helped Lewis Adams a former slave make his dream a reality. The founding of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute ushered in a new era for African American education in Alabama and the nation. they wanted to proof that african americans should get a normal education too like any one else.so two african american males came together with the idea of founding a school for blacks.
  • Jane Addams founds Hull House

    Jane Addams founds Hull House
    In 1889, Jane Addams and her friend, Ellen Gates Starr, founded Hull House, a settlement house, in a large home in Chicago. At the beginning, Hull House offered day care services, libraries, classes, and an employment bureau.this was a school or university for only females.Hull House women began by undertaking sociological studies of neighborhood conditions, contributing to the development of sociology as a field
  • Ellis island becomes immigration station

    Ellis island becomes immigration station
    Ellis Island opened in 1892 as a federal immigration station, a purpose it served for more than 60 years (it closed in 1954). Millions of newly arrived immigrants passed through the station during that time–in fact, it has been estimated that close to 40 percent of all current U.S. citizens can trace at least one of their ancestors to Ellis Island.this is also where the statu of liberty is situated.
  • The annexation of Hawaii

    The annexation of Hawaii
    the annexation of hawaii refers to a coup D'etat on january 17 1893. after the annexation Hawaii become the 50th state of the united states of america. I think that this is important in the u.s history because it shows how the u.s stepped up as a world leder at that time.before the united states claimed of owning land out of its border much of the world was already claimed but some coutries and islands.
  • Spanish American war

    Spanish American war
    the spanish american war ended spain's colonial in the western and extended the united state's.
    this is important in the U.S history because it shows one of the united state's actions during the imperial times.The Spanish-American War (1898) was a conflict between the United States and Spain that ended Spanish colonial rule in the Americas and resulted in U.S. acquisition of territories in the western Pacific and Latin America. Spain declared war on the u.s on april 24 followed by the u.s's 25
  • NCAAP founded

    NCAAP founded
    Thenational Association for the advancement of colored people is an african American civil rights organization in the united states and it was founded in 1909. i think that it is very important because it was one of the organizations that brought peace in the U.S.The NAACP was formed in 1909 in New York City by a group of black and white citizens fighting for social justice. the NCAAP quoted that all humans are created equally.
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Ludlow Massacre
    this was an attack by colorado's national guard on a tent colony.this is important because innocent men,women, and children were killed and their memories need to be saved.A lot more than 2,000 miles separated the Rockefeller estate from Southern Colorado when on Monday April 20, 1914, the first shot was fired at Ludlow.
  • zimmerman telegram

    zimmerman telegram
    on this day in 1917 a message from the german goverment was sent to mexico pleasing them to be their alliance whilefighting the united states of america and that they will also help them gaining territory in the united states of america.this message was sent after the united states declared war against germany because mexico was close to the u.s that was arranging the germans if mexico accepted to fight on their side against the u.s
  • U.S declares war on germany

    U.S declares war on germany
    at 8 30 in april 2 1917 in order to protect the democracy of restof the world and keep peace between all nations germany was not meeting those exepectations so in order to stop that the U.S declared war on Germany.The united states of america decided to declare war on germany on april 2nd 1917 to defend its allied country against germany on world war 1.