Tsumami 1

Tsunami Timeline

  • Lisbon, Portugal

    Lisbon, Portugal
    Tsunami along with an earthquake and fire. Killed 20,000 people. Waves crossed the Atlantic Ocean and amplified up tom 23 feet.
  • Krakatoa Volcano

    Krakatoa Volcano
    Sundra straight between Java and Sumatra. Volcanic explosion caysed the top of the volcano to break off into the ocean. Produced giant tsunami which amplified to a height of 115ft. 36,000 people were killed
  • Aleutians Alaska

    Aleutians Alaska
    Magnitude 8.1. Created a tsunami in the Hawaiian Islands that killed 160 people.
  • Chile Earthquake/Tsunami

    Chile Earthquake/Tsunami
    Earthquake Magnitude 9.5. When Tsunami hit hawaii after traveling 15 hours accross the Pacific Ocean, only killed 61 people.
  • Alaska Earthquake

    Alaska Earthquake
    Earthquake Magnitude 9.2. Earthquake generated a Tsunami which killed about 130 people.
  • Japaneese Sea

    Japaneese Sea
    Magnitude 7.8 Earthquake. Generated a Tsunami and killed 120 people on Okushiri Island, Japan
  • Papua New Guinea

    Papua New Guinea
    Magnitude 7.1 earthquake triggered a submarine landslide that produced a tsunami. This tsunami killed more than 2100 people
  • Sumatra Earthquake

    Sumatra Earthquake
    Magnitude 9.1. Tsunami killed about 230,000 people. Sumatra Indonesia.
  • Samoa Earthquake

    Samoa Earthquake
    Magnitude 8.1 in the Samoa Islands. Tsunami killed about 200 people.
  • Chilean Earthquake

    Chilean Earthquake
    Magnitude 8.8. Occured on the central coast of Chile. Generated a tsunami which killed about 700 people in costal towns.
  • Japan Earthquake

    Japan Earthquake
    Magnitude 9.1. Tsunami killed over 20,000 people. Most damage in northeastern Japan.