

  • Smoking

    Tomoya's father starts smoking again. Hes worried that his coming daughter wont know her own grandpa. Hes worried he could die from lung cancer, how he might have a stroke when hes out working, having problems with his liver, and he can't help him when his immune system wears down and gets sick more.
  • Challenge

    Tomoya faces a stressful time with his dad over the loss of the job him and his father get in a fight and tomoya gets injured and cant fully lift his arm.
  • Coping

    Tomoya can't play basketball but he has made a new friend which helps him.
  • Heath probelms

    Heath probelms
    Tomoya learns about his familys past of health issues and decides to eat heathier and because of this he prevents risk of heart problems, breast cancer, high blood preasure, and for later when older Alzheimer's and Dementia.
  • Drinking

    Tomoyos friend wants to start drinking, hes worried that he might become addicted, ruining his liver, loosing more brain function than he has already has, and he doesnt want to deal with a sick friend.
  • Drinking, Driving

    Drinking, Driving
    Tomoya is telling his friend not to drink and drive because he doesnt want to plan his funeral. He says he not only puts himself in danger but others in danger as well.
  • Tomoya overcomes hating his town

    Tomoya overcomes hating his town
    Tomoya has been working on trying to see the good in things that are in his small town. Thanks to his friends he has over come thinking so negtive about his small town.
  • Sick

    Tomoya is feeling under the weather. To make himself feel better he is getting plenty of rest, putting a humidifier in room to help himself breath better, gargling salt water, keeping warm.To prevent this later he plans on to wash his hands more, stay away form peopel who are sick, and getting the shot to prevent it.
  • Abstinent

    After seeing his father become nothing from drinking tomoya pledges not to drink and become abstinent. Things my parents told me were things to scare me about like how i might do stupid things and it might make its way to the internet and i wont get a good job or get into a good college. They say its good when i dont over do it and if im smart about it and not drink alot.
  • Puberty

    Tomoya hits puberty some of the things he notices is that hes more level head and can think through his probelms for logically and rationally. he also notices he can see other peoples points of view.
  • Tomoya improves

    Tomoya improves
    Lately tomoya has been trying to find the good in his town instead of the negitive
  • Loss

    Tomoya faces the loss of his wife giving birth to his daughter. He suffers from the numbness of it all he couldnt wake up and believe nagisa wasnt there beside him. He later picks up drinking to ease his depression.