first gaming console

By 1080990
  • first gaming console

    first gaming console
    the first gaming console was a ping pong game called magnavox oodyssey
  • nintend entertainment system

    nintend entertainment system
    the nintendo is a more advanced technology then the past
  • the odyssey 2

    the odyssey 2
    the same thing as the first but they gave the second one a improvement
  • super nintendo

    super nintendo
    is a technology that people used to go enjoy and have fun
  • playstation 2

    playstation 2
    a way more advanced type of software that went into the game that made it recieve more then one game
  • game cube

    game cube
    a more advanced nintendo with a shape of a cube
  • play station 3

    play station 3
    the playstation 3 started a new era for gaming people began to go pro people started making tournaments for e sports and began making millions from the gaming community