Dsc 0042

Timeline of the trumpet

  • 1500 BCE

    The first trumpets - horns!

    The first trumpets - horns!
    The ancestor of the trumpet was the horn. Usually made of animal horn but sometimes made of metal. Many ancient civilizations used them in India, Greece, China, Egypt, and others.
  • 1400

    The natural trumpet

    The natural trumpet
    The first direct ancestor of the trumpet was the natural trumpet. This was a trumpet without any holes, slides, or valves and was mostly used in Europe. It can only play notes on the harmonic series.
  • Valves!

    The first trumpet with valves (allowing for chromatic and diatonic notes) is created by Heinrich Stölzel in 1815.
  • Rotary valves

    Rotary valves
    Just before piston valves were used in trumpets, rotary valves were invented by Joseph Riedlin in 1832. They are still used today and are only popular in Europe.
  • The modern trumpet

    The modern trumpet
    Not long after Heinrich Stölzel invented his valved trumpet, François Périnet invented the piston valve (AKA the Périnet valve) in 1838. These are the valves that are still used in trumpets today and are ubiquitous around the world.
  • The Baroque Trumpet

    The Baroque Trumpet
    Invented in the mid 1900's, this trumpet is a variation on the natural trumpet. It added holes, allowing the trumpeter to fine tune the notes. This can be done on a natural trumpet by "lipping" the note up or down, but modern trumpet players are not accustomed to this and thus more often use a baroque trumpet.