Timeline of Space Exploration

By TY19889
  • Period: to

    Space Exploration

  • First Mission

    First Mission
    In 1609, the first moon spotting through a telescope was from Galileo Galilei.
  • Robert H. Goddard

    In 1926, Robert H. Goddard launched the first liquid fuel rocket.
  • First Personal Rocket

    In 1929, a man named Hermann Oberth launched his very first personal rocket with some students.
  • German Military Rocket

    In 1933, the very first German military's liquad fuel developed.
  • Soviot Union Rocket

    In 1933, the Soviot Union launched their very own rocket.
  • United Space Rocket

    In May 22, 1946, the United States launches its very own rocket.
  • First Animal Launched into Space

    First Animal Launched into Space
    February 20,1947, fruit flies were the very first animals to be lauched into space.
  • First Ballistic Missile

    Augest 21, 1957, the Soviot Union launches the first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.
  • First Artificial Satelite

    October 4, 1957, the USSR beat the United States into space by launching the Sputnik 1.
  • First Animal Launched into Orbit

    November 3, 1957, first animal launched into orbit was a dog named Laika.
    November 3,1957, the success of the Sputnik 1 led the Soviets to launch Sputnik 2.
  • First Spacecraft

    January 2, 1959, the first spacecraft achieved the Solor Orbit.
  • First Photograph of Earth

    First Photograph of Earth
    First photograph of the Earth from the Earth's orbit by U.S. NASA.
  • Plants and Animals to return safely

    First plants and animals to return to Earth safely/alive from the Earth's orbit.
  • First Human Spacecraft

    First human spaceflight and humanned orbital flight.
  • First woman in space

    First woman in space
    First women in space by USSR.
  • First sighting of Mars

    First sighting of Mars
    First sighting of Mars and flyby by U.S. NASA.
  • First human on the moon

    First human on the moon
    First human on the moon by th U.S (Apollo 11).
  • First station in space

    First space station in space by USSR.
  • First soft landing on Mars

    First soft landing on Mars and first signals from the surface.
  • First reusable manned spacecraft

    First reusable manned spacecraft by U.S.
  • First spacecraft beyond the orbit of Neptune

    First spacecraft beyond the orbit of Neptune by U.S. NASA.
  • First photograph of the whole solar system

    First photograph of the whole solar system
    First photograph of the whole solar system by U.S. NASA.
  • First polar orbit around the sun

    First polar orbit around the sun by U.S. NASA and the ESA.
  • Longest duration in the orbit of Earth

    Longest duration in the orbit of Earth by Valeri Polyakov from Russia.
  • First orbit of an astroid

    First orbit of an astroid by U.S. NASA.
  • First landing on an astroid

    First landing on an astroid by U.S. NASA.
  • Kepler Mission launched first space telescope

    Kepler Mission launched first space telescope designated for research of Earth's expoplanets by USA.
  • First sample of an astroid

    First sample of an astroid brought back to Earth by Japan.
  • NASA rover successfully lands on Mars

    NASA rover successfully lands on Mars to seek out life clues by U.S. NASA.