Timeline for defriended

  • Event 1

    Event 1
    Lacey and Jason have been talking on Facebook. They have become very close friends
  • Event 2

    Event 2
    Jason wishes to met up with Lacey. But she never has time to meet.
  • Event 3

    Event 3
    As every day goes by Jason is always wondering why Lacey can't meet up. One day he decided to google her. He found out the she died.
  • Event 4

    Event 4
    As time went on the thought of Lacey being dead drove Jason crazy. He decided to tell his friend Rakesh. Rakesh is very surprised. Rakesh also looks things up about Lacey.
  • Event 5

    Event 5
    Once Jason found more things about Lacey's death, he went to her memorial at park. Lacey's best friend Jenna, happens to be there. They started talking about Lacey.
  • Event 6

    Event 6
    Lacey texted Jason saying that he had to meet Jenna again to see if the could trust her. Jason still thinks she's alive because she's asking for help. Jason was very confused but he did it.
  • Event 7

    Event 7
    At night Jason usally gets a glass of water. One night he forgot. So he rolled out of bed and went downstairs to get one. He was just standing there sipping on his water and then he heard a creak on the stairs like someone was there.
  • Event 8

    Event 8
    Once a Jason went to bed, he heard something at the end of his bed. He got scared and turned on his light. He sat in his desk to see if anything changed. He saw this picture of Lacey and this guy Troy. And he never had it before.
  • Event 9

    Event 9
    The next day Rakesh invited Jason to a party. Jason finally decided to go. Jason started to wander off and he heard some movements in the trees. After awhile he got a weird text saying "I can hide better in the dark then you can"
  • Event 10

    Event 10
    Jason asked Jenna to meet up. They went to a restaurant. Once Jason showed up he saw this guy Max, Lacey's gutair teacher, sitting at the table with Jenna.
  • Event 11

    Event 11
    Lacey randomly texted Jason and told him to steal something out of Luke's glove department. So he snuck to Luke's house and got into his car. There's was a film in there so he took it.
  • Event 12

    On the film it was of a party. Max and Lacey were hanging out and Like and Troy got super mad. Then there was a huge fight.
  • Event 13

    A couple days later, Jenna and Jason decided to follow Troy and see what he was doing. They wanted to see if they could find some hints to see if he killed Lacey. At the end of the day, Troy went to the cemetery to see Lacey. He dug a little hole with his fingers and put something in there.
  • Event 14

    Event 14
    Later that night Jason went back to the cemetery and tried to see what it was. It was a necklace. Rakesh called him and told him not to take the necklace at night because something creepy might happen.
  • Event 15

    Event 15
    The next day Rakesh, and Jason skipped school to go back to cemetery to get the necklace. They show up and start digging for it. Then all of a sudden someone punches Jason. It was Luke. Luke punshed Jason in the face and kicked Rakesh. Luke thought that they were digging up his sister so they were furious.
  • Event 16

    Event 16
    He wanted to go talk to Jenna so he did. Jenna wanted to see the pictures Lacey was sending him but he had to log on his Facebook on her computer. As he did this he noticed that there was Lacey's profile. Jenna had been pretending to be Lacey. Jason stormed out. He was freaking out.
  • Event 17

    Event 17
    When he pulled up to his house there was a car there. Once he got out he saw Troy. Troy wanted to know how Jason knew Lacey and Jason told Troy the whole story.
  • Event 18

    Event 18
    In the middle of Troy and Jason talking, Rakesh shows up and tells Jason that he invited people to Jason's house but he cancelled the party.
  • Event 19

    Event 19
    Jason brought up that film to Troy. It really got to Troy so they decided to go see the guy, Sully, and see what else he knew.
  • Event 20

    Event 20
    Once they got to Sully's, Sully showed them another video from the party of the night Lacey died. In the middle of the video Luke showed up.
  • Event 21

    Event 21
    Jason checked his phone and saw that Jenna texted him a lot. She went over to Max's and something wasn't right.
  • Event 22

    Event 22
    Now they started the video again. They saw that max and Lacey were fighting about him being a cover up for Lacey and Troy, he got mad and then it went black. They all think that Max killed Lacey. Jenna is over there so they think he'll kill her too. They try calling the police but max already told the cops that it was a joke.
  • Event 23

    Event 23
    They all drove over to max's and they snuck in. They saw Jenna all taped up. Luke went into the room first and got tased. Max had a chainsaw in his hand. Rakesh barged in and distracted max so that Jason could trap the chain saw and Troy could tackle him. Rakesh tasted Jenna and she hit a guitar over Max's head. Max killed Lacey. And they were all save.