5 Major Moments in Cellphone History

  • The First Cellphone

    The First Cellphone
    Motorola engineer Martin Cooper made first public cellphone call on April 3, 1973. (http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/5-major-moments-in-cellphone-history-1.1407352)
  • First commercial cellphone

    First commercial cellphone
    Motorola's launch DynaTAC phone for public use. In 1984, the first DynaTACs became available for consumers.
  • The original smartphone

    The original smartphone
    In 1993, Bellsouth and IBM announced their creation of the Simon personal communicator phone, touted as the world's first smartphone.
  • Cellphone cameras

    Cellphone cameras
    In 2002, the first phones with built-in cameras became publicly available, including the Nokia 7650 and the Sanyo SPC-5300.
  • BlackBerry's first integrated phone

    BlackBerry's first integrated phone
    Part of BlackBerry's Quark series, the BlackBerry 6210 was the company's first device to offer: Emai, Texting, a web browser and
    BlackBerry Messenger service
  • iPhone launch

    iPhone launch
    In January 2007, Apple launched its first iPhone. The company described the phone as combining three products into one handheld device: a mobile phone, an iPod and a wireless communication device.