Timeline Assignment: The Development of Liberalism

  • Period: 500 to

    The Developement of Liberalism

  • 510

    Ancient Greek Democracy

    Athenian democracy was established as a result of continuous reorganizations, The word democracy literally means the power of the people. It was used so that the opportunity of all citizens over 20 to take part in governing the country. The biggest advantage of democracy was the general possibility of taking part in public life for all free citizens, it helped all citizens of Athens to broaden their minds, as well most importantly develop intellectually. (510 B.C.)
  • Jan 1, 1215

    Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta was the first document forced onto a King by his subjects to attempt to limit his powers by law and protect their privelages. It also made sure they had rights and could only be punished fairly through the law of the land. This charter was important because it led to the rule of constitutional land. It also later inspired the United States Consitution.
  • Mar 13, 1300


    The Renaissance was a time of cultural, social, intellectual, political, and artistic reform. It is often seen as the 'bridge' between the Middle Ages and modern times.Humanist thought led to the ideas that human beings are essentially rational and have inherent dignity.
  • Jan 1, 1400

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    The Great Law Of Peace or Constitution of Haudenosaunee Confederacy was introduced, which is the path to harmony and unity among nations, equal participation of people in government which included women. There was freedom of speech and individual rights for all citizens, this impacted with society by making it a more equal and fair society for all citizens.
  • Age of Enlightenment

    this was a time in the 18th century when people were getting smarter they were having educational reform in the 1700s this was developing in france which lead to the french revolution it was happening in germany netherlands spain italy and american colonies and other countries it lead to inproved or the creation of goverment and many fights to remove dominion such as americans fighting to become there own country instead of a dominian its purpose was to think more scientifically
  • Industrial Revolution

    the industrial revolution was in the 18th century and untill the 19th however many new developing countries had to go through this during other times russia had been trying to become more mechanized to keep up with everyone it had changed everything we do everyday its changed culture completely in had major changes in agriculture and manufacturing
  • American Revolution

    John Locke declared independance from British crown, American citizens wanted to rule themselves and not be ruled by an out of state monarch. Locke introduced the idea of equality for all citizens. When they achieved independence and the declaration was written a republican style government was formed.
  • French Revolution

    Government was in debt despite taxation, reason was wars including funding of the American Revolution. One leader of the revolution was Maximilien Robespierre, revolution lead to terror, death and lost life. Because nobility had higher rights, common people fought and in 1789 the declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen was signed. Declaration was for Individual freedoms, men are born equal, Liberty-injury to noone, freedom of speech. This contributed to France’s society
  • Changes to Class Systems

    Happened in the 19thC. The Industrial Revolution had a great impact and the economic change lead to a large social change. This is a time where peasants moved away from farms and moved into cities, where they could receive more economic gain. With more people came more money, and more goods, they got tired of being ruled by a monarch so with the growing middle class they demanded a change.