20th century

Timeline 1917-1980

  • Promulgation of the 1917 Mexican Constitution

    Promulgation of the 1917 Mexican Constitution
    In context of the Mexican Revolution, Venustiano Carranza, proposed a Constituent Congress to make amendments to the Constitution that then ruled the country. On February 5, 1917, was promulgated. The Constitution put some of the most important ideas of the Revolution together and gave people “individual guarantees”. Some of the most relevant articles are those about the structure of government, the division of power, prohibition of re-election, education, workers’ rights and land.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Versailles Treaty was signed on June 28, 1919, at the end of WWI. Its main purpose was to maintain peace. Countries that signed it were admitted into League of Nations, the precursor of the UN. The treaty of Versailles divided in four sections: territorial, military, financial and general. It made Germany accept blame for WWI and compromise to pay for war reparations; also, Germany was militarily limited. Treaty of Versailles led Germany to a huge economic crisis.
  • Period: to

    Christian War

    On 1926, after Calles enforced the reforms on religion, prohibiting any public demonstrations of religion, and murdered priests and other members of the clergy, Catholic Christians began an armed insurrection. Freedom of belief and expresion is part of Human Rights, in the Christian War this wasn't respected. Also, lives were taken because of people being Catholic.
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    The Maximato

    Maximato is the period of time between 1928 and 1934 during which Mexico was ruled by Plutarco Elías Calles, at the time known as the “Jefe Máximo”. Calles was president from 1924 to 1928. After him came Portes Gil (1928-1930), Ortiz Rubio (1930-1932) and Rodriguez (1932-1934), but Calles was the one really in power. Some very important actions done during Maximato are the creation such as SEP and IMSS, agrarian partition and enactment of reforms; the reform on religion led to Christian War.
  • Creation of the PNR

    Creation of the PNR
    When Alvaro Obregón died in 1928, Calles decided it was time for Mexico to stop being “caudillista”. To change the country into a more institutional one, he created PNR (Revolutonary National Party) on March 4, 1929. This Party later changed into PRM (Mexican Revolution Party) and then into what it is today, PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party).
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    Great Depression

    From 1929 to 1939 the World suffered a huge economic downturn. The post-war economic situation, the crash of the Stock Market on October 1929 and the failure of banks were the most important factors that led to the Great Depression. Unemployment reached extremely high levels, the situation was very hard and it represented unsuccessfulness of the Western Capitalist system.
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    Enacment of the New Deal

    Starting on 1933 and until 1939 President Roosevelt of the US brought the New Deal to action. The New Deal was a plan by economist John Keynes, two of its main characteristics were the higher involvement of the government in economic issues and the augment of the demand, to accomplish this the government had to give a lot of jobs to people. The New Deal eventually managed to lift the US’s economy that later caused the US to be economically able to afford its envolvment in WWII.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    At the beginning of the 1930s support for the Nazi party increased significantly. Adolf Hitler was also becoming very popular. On January 30, 1939, he became Chancellor of Germany, which basically raised him into power. Hitler established a totalitarian regime, in which he lifted Germany’s economy, militarized the country and started an expansionist party that later on led to WWII. This is an inmediate cause of the Holocaust as well as the begining of WWII.
  • Holocaust

    All this racist propaganda and these ideals of the perfect German cause an event lead by the Nazi political party and it’s leader Adolf Hitler, The Holocaust, between 1933 and 1945 six million (7 out of every 10 Jews in Europe) Jews were killed. Human Rights were violated on the Holocaust (the right to live and to have security and equality).
  • Working policy

    Between 1934 and 1935 more than 600 strikes broke out and syndicalism was promoted, two of the most significant strikes were: the one from the telephone operators and the one of the petroleum of the Huasteca Petroleum Company.
  • Non-aggression pact

    Only a few days before WWII, the pact was concluded causing Eastern Europe to divide in German and Soviet spheres of influence.
  • Change in constitution

    Thanks to this change in the constitution a lot of new capitals and industries were created.
  • Mexican Miracle

    Effect: Between 1940 and 1956 Mexico had a period of incredible growth, all this during the presidency of Avila Camacho (member of PRI). During this period there was a noticeable political stability y economy growth.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor (US), with this event the US officially became involved in war.
    This is one of the causes of the atomic bombs dropped over Japan: as Japan was a country from the axis, the US was an ally so when they were seeking for Japan to surrender they decided to perform this inhuman attacks.
  • Adolfo Ruiz Cortines became president of Mexico

  • Nuremberg trials

    Between 1945 and 1949 The Nuremberg Trials took place in Germany, those were a series of trials that blamed some of the Nazi leaders for all the things that Germany did in the war. This was the first international court so it means the first time when Justice was brought through an international system.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    On August 6, 1945 with WWII coming to an end an American B-29 bomber dropped an atomic bomb over Hiroshima, causing 90 percent of the population to die and later, 10,000 more died just by the radiation exposure. Three days later another atomic bomb was thrown on Nagasaki causing the same devastating effect. This caused the raise of internation awareness on the importance of Human Rights as well as the Nuremberg Trials to judge crimes comitted during war.
  • Creation of PRM later PRI

    On 1946 when the elections were going on, the internal structure of the party was changed completely and they changed the name from the Party to PRI (Revolutionary Institutional Party) one of the main reforms was that the party was changed from a socialist project to a democratic project, but most importantly, because of this change of ideologies the popular sector like the working class lost a lot of power in the party.
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    Korean War

    In 1950, after the division of Korea into North and South Korea, the socialist Korea in the North attacked the south. This is known as the first military attack of the Cold War. This started a lot of tensions between the capitalist and socialist block, which has as a consequence the sign of the Warsaw Pact between communist states.
  • López Mateos became president on 1952

    As a consequencce, we have some social policies like the creation of the ISSSTE.
  • Women become citizens in Mexico

    In 1953, during Ruiz's Presidency, the article 34 of the constitution changed in order to women to also have tha citizenship. This event is related to human rights because it represents the first time in mexican history in which women are recognized as humans that should have the same opportunities and rights as men.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Pact signed by communist regions, to become stroger and have equality. Because of this pact the Hungarian Revolution happened, Hungary wanted to leave the Warsaw Pact beause they were patriotics, they didn't agree with all the policies of the USSR. This caused the capitalist countries to feel threatened for the inminent growth of socialism, that later caused some armed conflicts all over the world.
  • Railroaders movement

    In 1957 movents of Railroaders, teachers and students began because of the uncomformity with the working conditions.
  • Fidel Castro beccomes President of Cuba

    Fidel Castro beccomes President of Cuba
    After 6 years of Revolution, Batista leaves the country and Castro establishes his government. This is an inmediate cause of the socialism expansionism and later the missile crisis, because as the socialism reached America, the USSR started to establish its military power also in this continent
  • Nationalization of the electric industry

    On September 27 1960, Mexican government assumed total control of the electric generative and distributive industries that were in charge of foreign or private companies.
  • Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall was a barrier that divided West and East Germany in Berlin. Nobody could cross this wall. After almost 30 years, the Berlin Wall was destroyed on 1989. This is one of the causes of the violent division of the world between the socialist and capitalist block.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Civil Rights Act of 1964
    This act was created to end discrimination in school, public establishments and work places. This act was signed by, Lyndon B. Johnson. After the Civil War the slavery was eradicate by three constitutional amendments. Some of this amendments state that the slaves were former citizens and had the right to vote, but on many states some matters- poll taxes- were applied to the African- American residents to keep them defenseless.
  • El conflicto con el cuerpo médico

    The doctors denounced their precarious labor conditions, labor schedule and work space condition. At the end of 1964 they stopped working to demand the government to solve this problems.
  • Diaz Ordaz became president

    On December 1, 1964 Gustavo Díaz Ordaz became president. He is the responsible for the Tlatelolco Massacre.
  • National Organization for Women in the US

    It’s an organization that defends the rights of women and wants to bring equality among sexes, meaning that women shouldn’t be discriminated on workplaces or public establishments.
  • Missiles Crisis

    The missile crisis was a confrontation that took place in Cuba as a consequence of the violent period known as the Cold War. It is known as the period in which the Soviet Union installed missiles in the Cuban Island meaning a dangerous threat for the US.
  • War of Six Days

    War of Six Days
    On June 5th of that year, an armed conflict started between Egipt, Jordan and Syria and Irak against Israel. This ended a period of tension between these countries with the destruction of the air force of Egypt and Israel taking Jersualen and the Gaza stripe. This caused the begining of the conflict between Palestine and Israel that remains nowadays.
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    Student Movement of 1968

    During this period, the UNAM and IPN declared a strike and published the list of their demands. The public transportation service was suspended and the army took schools, streets, public squares and violently attacked the movement. During a protest they created the Consejo Nacional de Huelga.
    This led to the Tlatelolco Massacre because the mexican government urgently needed to make a "pacific country" out of Mexico for the olympic games.
  • Tlatelolco Massacre

    Tlatelolco Massacre
    It took place on October 2, 1968, in Tlatelolco, Mexico City, when 10 days before the olympic games, the mexican army violently destroyed the students’ movement by murdering and dissapearing hundreds of unarmed Mexicans. This started a proccess of trying to democratize the country, that later on caused the violent repression of the movements like in La Matanza del jueves de Corpus. Freedom of speech, expression and th right to life were totally ignored in this massacre.
  • Matanza del Jueves de Corpus

    Matanza del Jueves de Corpus
    Three years after the Tlatelolco Massacre, some of the leaders of the movement went out of jail and made a protest to show the world that the freedom movement was alive. In the middle of the protest, the “Halcones”, pretending to be students, started to attack the movement. A lot of people died during the protest. The relation with human rights is that the freedom of expresion wasn't respected and lifes of people were taken.
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    Petroleum boom

    In 1973 the countries that produced crude oil declared an embargo. So the OPEP raised the prices of barrels from 10 dollars up to 70. Three years later, our country found out that we had much more oilfields than what we thought, so between 1976 and 1982 Mexico became very economically stable. This caused the IMF to trust Mexico as a country that could be given loans. This caused the external debt to quadrupled in only years.
  • Coup d’etat in Afghanistan

    This made Mohamed Taraki to take the power and to establish a socialist and secular government. This led to a guerrilla in Afghanistan between Muslims that wanted a religious and non socialist government and the socialists. This is an inmediate cause of the later intervention that the USSR would perform on this country as they wanted to establish the hegemony of socialism.
  • USSR intervenes in Afghanistan

    After 2 years of the guerrilla, the Soviets made an intervention of 100 thousand men into Afghanistan to support the socialist movement. This is the peak of the expansionism of USSR. The troops were taken back until 1988 with the Perestroika policies.