Timeline 1

  • Jun 15, 1215

    Magna Carta

    A charter to make peace between the unpopular King John of England and a group of rebel barons. Promised protection of chuch rights, unlawful imprisonment, acess to swift judgment, and limitation on feudal payments.
  • Oct 31, 1517

    Martin Luther: 95 Thesis

    The initial catalyst for the Prostistant reformation, this was protests against clerical abuses and the sale of indulgences (a payment to the chuch to reduce the amount of punishment for the sins commited). Luther posted this document on the door of All Saints' Church in Wittenberg.
  • May 23, 1543


    In the year of his death, 1543 his book De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres) was published. This book triggered the scientific revolution.
  • Mayflower Compact

    The governing document for the Plymouth Colony declaring relgious freedom.
  • Peace of Westphalia

    These treaties ended both the Thirty Years' War between the Holy Roman Empire and the Eigty Years' War between Spain the the Dutch Republic.
  • Adam Smith: The Wealth of Nations

    A book written by Smith which provided a description of what builds a nations' wealth.
  • Declaration of Independence

    This document declared the Colony's independence from Great Britain.
  • Immanuel Kant

    His most major work Critique of Pure Reason attempted to explain the relationship between reason and human experience. Often thought to have contributed to today's two major schools of thought.
  • U.S. Constitution (vs. the Articles of Confederation

    The U.S. Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation and is still supreme law of the Unites States of America.
  • Federalist Paper

    Finally publised in two volumes (after publishing in October 1787 and August 1788) in 1788 these 85 articles and essays called for a ratification of the U.S. Constitution.
  • Alexis de Tocquerville: Democracy in America

    The first volume published about the democratic revolution Tocquerville believes has been occurring over the previous 700 years. It was to see why democracy worked in America when it was failing in so many other countries.
  • Alexis de Tocquerville: Democracy in America

    The second volume published about the democratic revolution Tocquerville believes has been occurring over the previous 700 years. It was to see why democracy worked in America when it was failing in so many other countries.
  • Karl Marx

    The Communist Manifesto is widely considered one of the most influential political manuscipts. This document descibes Marx and Engels' theories about the nature of society and politics, even suggesting that capitalism will be replaced by socialism and then communism.
  • Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

    A document calling for more rights for women, especially in regards to voting and reforms for laws governing marital status, written by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
  • Sojourner Truth: Aint I a Woman

    Born Isabella "Bell" Baumfree she was an African American abolitionist and women's rights activist. She gave the speech Aint I a Woman on women's rights and equality for all.
  • Abraham Lincoln: Gettysburg Address

    A call for true equality for all.
  • Common land; enclosure; (England and Scotland)

    The Commons Act in 1876 restricted the public use of common land in England and Wales, 36 Common Lands were regulated and closed off to common people's farming. In 1965 a major reform and a national register of Common Land was started.
  • Max Weber: The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism

    Written by a German sociologist, economist, and politician Weber, wrote that capitalism in Nothern Europe evolved whenthe Protestants influenced a large population of people to engage in work, develop their enterprises, and take part in trade to gain wealth for investment.
  • Port Huron Statement

    Called for a reform of the democratic party as well as to support universities that have strong social influence.
  • Martin Luther King: I Have a Dream

    A speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. urging for an end to racism in the United States. Said at the March on Washington to ber 250,000 people, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
  • Robert Putnam: Civil Society

    "Civil society is the freedom of speech, an indpendent judiciary, that make up a democratic society".Putnam believed that even non-political organizations are vital for democracy due to the interconnectedness of society and the interests within it. *Could not find an obvious date other than his various publications so I used the date of his death.
  • Derrick Bell: Critical Race Theory

    "Applauded the focus of civil rights scholarship on race, but were deeply critical of civil rights scholars' commitment to colorblindness and their focus on intentional discrimination, rather than a broader focus on the conditions of racial inequality"
  • Jurgen Habernas

    In 1981 Habernas the Theory of Communicative Action, this work criticized the processs of modernization which was forced to happen through economic and administrative rationalization. While he has numerous works and contributed much, this is the event I found that correlated to our class
  • Carol Gilligan: Different Voice

    A book on gender studies, Gilligan criticized Kohlberg's developmental theory especially since he said that girls develop less than boy. She goes on to say that women tend to think and speak differently than men which is essential.